

Best Answer

Yes. Very special. Don't lose your build. Do lots of pushups. Wide pushups, close pushups, triangle pushups, and crab pushups. Don't forget to use your joint and keep them fluid and stretched out. You will get stiff and get bad joints if you don't.

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Q: Am I strong for a 14 year old I am 5-5 109 pounds and bench 185-76 pounds over my body weight?
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Would you consider it strong if you could bench 93 pounds at 103 pounds body weight?

No, you should be able to bench your weight at least.

What is the average max on benchpress for 16 years olds?

normally it depends on how much you weight, but usually if you are very strong you will bench 100 pounds more than your weight,so if you weight 160 youll bench about 260

What should a a person who ways 140 pounds bench press?

somewhere between 1 and 2 times your weight 1 time your weight average fitness 2 times your weight very impressive fitness This is wrong. If you bench your weight, that's really good. I'm 15 and I weight 150 pounds and I'm 5'9". I bench 165 and this is considered very good for my age and weight.

What weight can a York fitness bench withstand during bench presses?

The York fitness bench can withstand a large a mount of weight. When in the bench press position it can withstand up to four-hundred pounds of weight.

How much weight can these bear?

This bench has a maximum weight capacity of 350 pounds.

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Terry Crews can bench 475 pounds.

How much did the Powers of Pain bench press?

The Warlord was a member of the wrestling tag team Powers of Pain. The Powers of Pain are a professional wrestling tag team in the WWE. The Warlord was recorded bench pressing a total of 440 pounds.

How many pounds of weights are included with this bench?

While you may find a retailer that bundles weight with the bench, the bench itself does not come with any weights.

What is the average weight a wrestler can bench press?

Mark Henry: 620 pounds.

I bench 245lbs and weigh 200lbs and im 6'3'' am i strong?

Yes, you are. If you are in good shape, you should be able to bench your weight.

How strong is John Cena?

he can bench press six hundred pounds

What is the average amount of weight a 14 year old should bench?

I am 14, 5'5 and 115 pounds and i bench 150, and im 9th grade.and im considered to be very strong for my judging off of that i'd have to say from 125 to 140