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bags for life mean that people use less plastic carrier bags. This means that we make less green house gasses producing them and they are not put into lanfill sites. it also means they are not left as pollution to degrade in the environment and potentially harm animals and get in to water streams.

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Q: Are 'bags for life' good for the environment?
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What bags are good for the environment?

paper bags any bag made of recyclable material

What is the slogan for reusable bags - bags for life bag for good or bags forever?

Hmmm... if it is for reusable bag, I prefer "bags for life". That would be the most ideal, I believe so.

Are bags an essential item?

Bags can be essential and good if used correctly but if missused can result in animal death or pollution. You see lots of marine life die every year due to people missusing bags or marine pollution problems which can be influenced by people throwing plastic bags ingto our natural environment.

How are cotton bags different to other bags?

Cotton bags can be reused more than 100 times without tearing.

Are retail bags good for the environment?

They are not, that is why there have been many states that have chosen to pass laws increasing or creating a tax specifically on plastic or other retail bags.

Why are plastic merchandise bags harmful for the environment?

Everyday non biodegradable plastic bags are very harmful to the environment on many levels. They do not break down naturally and when burned, they give off highly toxic gases. It is far better to use bio-degradable bags for the good of the future of our planet

Can plastic bags be banned?

it can hurt the environment

Why are brown paper grocery bags better for the environment?

Paper brown grocery bags are argued to be better for the environment as they are biodegradable wheras some plastic bags can last decades and potentially harm wildlife.

How do reusable shopping bags help the environment?

well by using cloth bags we can save the environment we are therefore not using plastics and not polluting or releasing toxins cloth bags are made by organic materials and are less harmful to the environment as compared to polythene bags

Do Debbie Meyer green bags have chemicals?

No they have a natural mineral that creates a beneficial storage environment to help extend the life and freshness of fruits, vegetables

How affects the environment?

Well plastic bags from groceries can affect our environment. Plastic grocery bags are cheap and convenient for both grocery stores and the consumer. As a result, shoppers use these bags for 80 percent of their shopping trips.

Which is better plastic bags or cloth bags?

Cloth or paper. Plastic bags and packaging are now becoming a serious issue to the environment and its wild-life. Some governments are placing taxation on plastic bags (UK have now across all of its country principalities) to reduce to throw-away culture and further reduce it ecological impact