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Please know that ANYONE can be a homosexual, it is not a choice. The Jewish religion may oppose homosexuality in the Old Testament, but it is outdated. Homosexuals should not try to "convert" or suppress their sexual urges because it will cause severe mental damage. "Orthodox" Judaism is, ironically, the most diverse Jewish community, including Chasidic Jews, New Orthodox Jews -- just about all Jews except for those who've chosen Reform, Reconstructionist or Conservative branches. Some Orthodox communities find homosexuality "an abomination;" others treat it as a manifestation of the "yetzer hara" -- the evil impulse, like any other ethical misstep. These have re-examined Leviticus 18:22, and do accept gay people and same-sex marriage. This movment is lead by Rabbi Steven Greenberg. Increasingly, Orthodox Jewish homosexuals are finding their voices. Check out a film called "Trembling Before G_d" (Sandi Dubowski).

If a Jewish person is gay, Jewish law provides no answer or guidance: anything the gay person does will be a sin: celebacy, masturbation, homosexual relations, suicide, etc. There is nothing a gay Jew can do in Orthodox Judaism except not exist. Many gay Orthodox Jews hide in sham marriages, condeming not only themselves to misery, but also their wives. See related links.

Answer 2

Since the question addresses Orthodox Judaism, it should be treated from an Orthodox viewpoint. Seeing the Tanakh (Jewish Bible) as outdated, or mistranslating verses at will, is the opposite of Orthodoxy. And Orthodox Judaism, which is based upon observance of the Torah, does not permit any sexual relations except between one man and one woman who are married to each other.

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6y ago
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15y ago

Actually the Jewish religion as a whole doesn't discriminate against people who are gay. They are welcome in synagogue. I converted about 12 years ago and two or 3 people in my class with the Rabbi were gay and this question came up. He told us that it didn't matter in the eyes of G---d.

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8y ago

Jewish people have about the same percentage of LGBT people as the general population. However, it is possible that because Jewish culture tends to be more accepting of LGBT people, there are more out gay Jews than other ethnicities.

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8y ago

Yes, there are.

Take a look at the glbtjews website

About 4%-8% of all Jews are gay...the same percentage as the rest of the world.

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10y ago

Only the ones who are attracted to other men.

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8y ago

No, only about 3% to 8% of Jews are gay. However, the majority of non-Orthodox Jews (and some Orthodox Jews) support gay rights.

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8y ago

Yes, a relatively small minority. This is in violation of the Torah (Leviticus 18:22), just as not all Jews keep kosher or keep Shabbat.

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8y ago

No, it is a relatively small minority. This is in violation of the Torah (Leviticus 18:22), just as not all Jews keep kosher or keep Shabbat.

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7y ago

Not if they want to obey the Torah's command, which prohibits sexual intercourse between two males (Leviticus 18:22).

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10y ago

Gay people can be found in any religion.

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