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Good sources of protein for vegetarians include nuts and seeds, pulses, soya products (tofu, soya milk and textured soya protein such as soya mince), cereals (wheat, oats, and rice), free-range eggs and some dairy products (milk, cheese and yoghurt).

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Q: Are beans the best or only protein replacements for meat in a vegetable diet?
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What are the best way to consume protein?

Meat and cheese ... & beans also have protein

How much protein is in an in-n-out vegetable burger?

proteins are the best diet for vegetarians so much protein is in an in-n-out veggie burger.

What is the best source of a complete protein?

Foodwise? Well, red meats are high in protein, mainly steaks, and fish fillets are also quite high in protein. A lot of beans and legumes also have a high protein content. Some nuts that have a bit of protein are almonds and penuts.

Are eggs soya beans and meat good sources of protein?

Yes, eggs, soya beans and meats are rich sources of protein.

Why are bananas and beans the best?

It is because they're awesome! Bananas have almost every vitamin and mineral that the human body needs. Beans are high in fiber and protein.

Conventional protein source?

There are a number of conventional protein sources which mainly involve plants and animals. Some of the best protein sources include eggs, beans, white meat and so much more.

What are the best high protein diets?

Nutrisystem and Southbeach are diets that are very high in protein. Some foods that are high in protein and will help you succeed at achieving a high protein diet are beans, lean beef, chicken seeds, cheese and nuts.

Why should you eat meat of animals?

Meat contains protein, which is essential for life; although vegetarians obtain protein from other sources (e.g. nuts and beans), meat is generally considered as the best protein source.

What foods provide good sources of protein?

Some of the best food protein sources are meats, eggs, dairy, beans and nuts/seeds. You should be ale to meet your daily protein requirements without turning to supplements.

What happens if you stop eating meat?

One animal is spared, but what the heck, someone else will eat it! At best you will become anaemic. You could also suffer from a shortage of protein. Vegetable protein is almost invariably incomplete.

What happens if you eat red meat?

One animal is spared, but what the heck, someone else will eat it! At best you will become anaemic. You could also suffer from a shortage of protein. Vegetable protein is almost invariably incomplete.

Which weight loss shakes taste the best?

Muscle Milk is a popular protein shake that tastes good. Boost and Ensure shakes are good too for healthy replacements. You can find vanilla and chocolate flavors.