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Firstly: A polyepeptide is a protein, constructed of many amino acids, coded for by the genetic code. (in triplets).

A cell produces many polypeptides--in other words proteins.__ These proteins (polypeptides) each have a specific purpose/role in the cell.For example, hameoglobin is a polypeptide. Proteins are basically refererd to as polypeptides, as they consist of many amino acids bounded together. POLY= MANY. Of some of the polypeptides (proteins) some are enzymes.

Enzymes catalyse reactions. Their poltpeptide shape--tertiary structure enables them to do this, as they have an active site which binds to the substrate. Each enzyme catalyses a specific substate.

Anyway, i think that's all you need to know.

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11y ago

seeing as enzymes are a type of protein, yes

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11y ago

Yes, they are made of polypeptide chains of amino acids - they are proteins.

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Q: Are enzymes composed of polypeptide chains?
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Composed of long chains of amino acids?

Polypeptide bonds....polypeptide bonds equal proteins ;)

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All the enzymes are protein or protein conjugates(with lipids or carbohydrates)

What does chains of amino acids?

polypeptide chains!

What is polypeptide chains?

Chains of amino acids are referred to as polypeptides. Proteins are created from one or more of these polypeptide molecules.

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Amino acids are the building block units of a polypeptide chain or a protein. These amino acids are linked together through peptide bonds.

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Protease in general. Pepsin in the stomach and trypsin in the small intestine in mammals break down protein into polypeptide chains and erepsin in the small intestine break down polypeptide chains into amino acids.

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4 polypeptide chains, each bound to a heme group to form hemoglobing

How does an enzyme?

Enzymes are made up of proteins. At a high temperature, the polypeptide chains of the enzyme are unfolded hence it loses its specific 3D configuration and active site, and is denatured.

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a polysaccharide is the polymer of carbohydrates and a polypeptide is the polymer of a lipid.

What is the componant of many lipids?

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