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Evolution is the changing of a species over generations. Survival of the fittest, or natural selection, is where individual organisms who are fitted to survive in their environment live, and those who aren't don't survive. Natural selection affects evolution by keeping some genes alive and losing some.

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No. ' Survival of the fittest ' is an euphemism that was generated by Herbert Spencer for the process of natural selection. It is very inaccurate.

evolution is how we as humans(or animals) changed over a long period of time to be able to survive easily in our environment. 'survival of the fittest' is like that TV show lost. If you were a 4ft tall human with heavy fur and one leg you wouldn't be able to survive as easily as an average football player. there is a big difference.

hope i helped! :)

If your four foot tall human with one leg left children and your football player left none then the four footer would be reproductively successful and the football player would not be. This is why ' survival of the fittest ' is a inaccurate phrase. It is reproductive success that counts in evolution. Being healthy enough to reproduce may be important, but there are many roads to reproduction.

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Survival of the fittest. Only the strongest/healthiest of a species survive and reproduce. This means that their genes are passed along to the next generation resulting in more animals with the same health/strength traits. Thus weaker animals slowly die out.

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