

Best Answer


Bettas are: Order:PerciformesFamily:OsphronemidaeGenus:BettaSpecies:B. splendens

Goldfish are:

Order:CypriniformesFamily:CyprinidaeGenus:CarassiusSpecies:C. auratusSubspecies:C. a. auratus

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Q: Are gold fantails related to the Betta fish?
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Your Gold Fantails keep on eating up the algae in the tank what do you do?

You should get some sucker fish and they will eat it instead of the fantails (but beware they are really hard to catch if you have a new tank that what you first put them in)

Is there any negative effects placing gold fish with tropical fish?

Most fish get along well. However, do NOT mix betta fish with other fish. Not even another betta. You have to have a permit to have to betta fish in the same tank with eachother. Betta fish are only mixed to mate. Bettas are not born in the egg. They come out as a very small fish. After the betta babies have come out, all of the fish are seperated. Even the parents, if the betta babies are left in the tank with the others the betta parents are very likely to eat the others.

What Happens If you put a male Betta in with other fishes?

it depends some fish can be less aggressive than others i had a male Betta that lived fine for years with gold fish

What fish don't fight with Siamese fighting fish?

No fish will really fight a Betta,unless its another Betta(male,not female,males and females get along pretty well),so i would suggest getting a Gold Mystery Snail if you dont want your Betta fighting with your fish.

What is the best family fish?

The best family fish is either a blue geromie, a betta, or a guppie, or a gold fish. None of these fish need a filter.

Can you see fish that get along with Bettas?

well i dont. i have a betta and it killed two of my gold fish that i put in there so no sorry :(

What are good fish to start out with Other than a Betta?

a first fish that would be professional to start out with is a gold fish, specifically a feeder fish Because they don't cost much to.

What kind of fish do you recommend to be put with a betta in the same tank?

gold fish! is a bad idea. gold fish need colder water to thrive than guppies do. (guppes need somewhere in the upper 70s) it depends on the fish. I've been told angel fish are aggressive to guppies because of their flashy tails, but my angel fish did just fine with my guppy. i have a molly, a Chinese algae eater, a kuhli loach and guppies in my tank. they all seem pretty happy :)

Can you mix betta fish with goldfish?

A betta prefers warm water, where gold fish like cold water, also male bettas prefer to be by themselves, also a betta prefers a shallow water where gold fish prefer a deep tank, gold fish need a filter and bettas do not.

What kind of fish gets along with a male Betta fish?

what you can put with male beta fishMale betta fish are often mistaken creatures. They are aggressive towards other male betta fish or something that looks simalar to itself; this often happens with gouramis particularly because they are the same breed of fish with similar colors and general shape. Other than that they can be kept with gold fish and community tropiput wcal fish.ith

What is the meaning of a betta fish tattoo?

Bettas are originally from Thailand. Although, they don't look as beautiful and colorful as you would see them at your local pet store. In the wild, they are brown or black and have short tails so they look like slugs.

What is the oldest Betta fish on record?

To the best of my knowledge no one keep those kind of records. Bettas are mature at 12 months, past their prime at 2 years old and ancient fish at 4 if they live that long. I have a Betta fish that is now over 5 years old because I change the water once a week with 2 gallons of purified water and I add about 20 drops of Splendid Betta Complete Water Conditioner to it. Using the water conditioner is a MUST to ensure that your Betta fish will live a very long life. I also feed my Betta fish 4 pellets of Hikari Betta Bio Gold once a day in the morning and 1 pellet at around 7pm.