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Q: Are snakes with really red tongues in PA poisonous?
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Do snakes have black tones?

If you mean tongues, then yes, quite a few snakes have black tongues, but many also have red tongues, and some even have differently colored tongues than that. For example, the Red-Tailed Green Rat snake (Gonyosoma oxycephala) has a blue tongue.

What animal has a red tongue?

Animals that have red tongues would be dogs, frogs, snakes, bears, There are a lot.

Who is resembles the poisonous coral snake?

King touch yellow kill a touch black friend of Jack

Is a red tongue brown snake poisonous?

No. There is not a set tongue color for poisonousand harmless snakes. A garter snake has both red and black on its tongue

Are red-tailed boa constructors venomous or poisonous?

No. Boas are all nonvenomous. They kill their prey by constriction. In talking about snakes the proper term is venomous rather than poisonous.

Is a red and black checkered garter snake poisonous?

Technically garter snakes are venomous, but it is too mild to be a danger to humans.

Are snakes red?

There are snakes that have a mostly red coloration, but most snakes are not red.

When will you die if you eat a poisonous snake?

No, as long as you only eat its flesh (muscle).

How do you identify poisonous snakes?

Red and yellow kill a fellow, red and black, venom lack. Also, look at the pupils. If the pupils are shaped like a cat's, real ovally, then it's poisonous. If it's round like a humans, it's okay. May be a primitive method, but I think that it works. Also, if you can see the snakes pupils, you are way to close, and should probably back away from it.

What are baby red bellied black snakes called?

They are called baby red-bellied black snakes. well actually not really but that's the best i can do, get hold of a venomous snake fanatic if you want to know more.

Are king snakes dangerous to kids when found in your garden?

Yes, they can bite you, if they feel threatened. Call your local animal control. ============== Yes, a king snake could bite you, which could break the skin. However, it is not as dangerous as actual poisonous snakes. The coral snake is poisonous and has the same colors as the king, though in a different pattern. The way to tell the difference is what color ring touches the red ring. Red and black, friend of Jack; Red and yellow, kill a fellow.

What snake is the most poisonous in Ohio?

The Answer to this question is the Red Back Rattle Snake if you ever get bit by one of these snakes if you have a buddy next to you have him lick you dickhole for that it cures it in 2 minutes.