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no because keeping them as pets is illegal without a license.

^ Whoever answered the question previously did not do thorough research. You can definitely own an axolotl in MA without a permit. I know this by going to the MA state wildlife website and looking at what is unlawful and lawful to own - See 'related link'

You can do the same by checking the RI state wildlife website.

I live in MA and have been looking for an axolotl for several years now and I am going to college for Wildlife Rehabilitation so I do keep up with the regulations. Now I can't give you an answer on where to find them, but I know people do own them. You can try going to an exotic pet store and ask if they can order some for you. They are very common in the pet trade, so don't give up!

^Hi, it is the person who answered previously. and i'd just like to say in my defense that when i first answered this question, i added "I'm not 100% sure because i don't live in MA. but where i come from, no it is illegal unless you have a license." I live in Ontario and am 13 years old, so you can't trust me too much when it comes to MA legal stuff and wildlife rehabilitation. So I'm apologising for my incorrect answer and thank you to the person who corrected me. But i did do thorough research, i went to my local zoo which has some.

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Q: Are there any pet store in RI or Massachusetts that have axolotls or axolotl eggs?
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Related questions

How long can axolotls live?

Axolotls typically live for between 10 to 15 years, although some have lived for well over 20.

How many mexican axolotls are born each year?

Less than 6,000"Between 700 and 1,200 survive in six reduced and scattered areas within the Xochimilco area of the Mexican Central Valley"source:

Do axolotls lay eggs?


How long can axolotls carry eggs for?

100-1000 eggs

Where can you buy axolotls in Alabama?

If you have ever heard of it-there is a place called Cherry Lane. It sells varias things like plants also normal supermarket things and there is an aquatic center there. they sell different kinds of fish, frogs and Axolotls. If you cant see any ask a member of staff. I got mine from Cherry Lane in or near Goleston in Norfolk. Hope this helped x ;)

How do axolotls?

The male axolotl will swim around and deposit 5-25 spermataphores (packets of sperm) before then trying to lure a female axolotl to collect them. The female picks up the sperm (from one or more of the spermataphores) in her cloaca. A cloaca is an opening in the female axolotl. After a few days or even possibly a few hours, the female will lay eggs. she can lay anywhere between 100-1000 eggs, but this is dependant on her size. about 3 weeks later, more or less, these eggs will hatch, thus the reproductive cycle continues as these offspring will grow up to do exactly the same as just described. Have a nice day.

Why is the axolotl endangered?

The axolotl is endangered because of the draining of its habitat lakes, the pollution of the bodies of water in which it resides, and the introduction of nonnative fish, such as the African Tilapia, which eat its eggs and food.

How do Mexican axolotls reproduce?

They lay eggs, much like frogs and salamanders.

What do axolotls eggs look like?

They are, in fact, very similar to Frog Spawn and are generally laid upon plants. They look like Brown/Black 'dots' coated with a clear membrane - though a lack of pigment in the egg would suggest that one parent was an Albino Axolotl. Sometimes, though, pigment appears later in the development.

Do axolotl parents take care of their eggs?

No, after about a month and a half they leave their children and let them go.

How long does it take the axolotl eggs to hatch?

they always eat cheese

How does axolotl raise their young?

The male axolotl will swim around and deposit 5-25 spermataphores (packets of sperm) before then trying to lure a female axolotl to collect them. The female picks up the sperm (from one or more of the spermataphores) in her cloaca. A cloaca is an opening in the female axolotl. After a few days or even possibly a few hours, the female will lay eggs. she can lay anywhere between 100-1000 eggs, but this is dependant on her size. about 3 weeks later, more or less, these eggs will hatch, thus the reproductive cycle continues as these offspring will grow up to do exactly the same as just described. Have a nice day.