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Mirena effectiveness has currently been studied for five years. Effectiveness beyond this date is unknown, and women with a Mirena for more than five years should use another method, or have a new Mirena inserted, if they don't want to be pregnant.

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Some women notice irregular bleeding as Mirena ends its useful life. No other side effects appear to be common.

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Q: Are there any side effects of the Mirena as you get closer to the 5 years?
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What are the side effects if Mirena is left in place too long?

If you leave Mirena in place after five years, you could get pregnant. Other than that, there are no side effects.

Can Mirena cause cramps?

I suggest you go to your doctor. Mirena IUD have many side effects and cramps is one of them.

Do you suffer from side effects from Mirena ius?

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Have gas nausea frequent urination and heartburn but I am on Mirena Possible I am pregnant?

Probably not. These symptoms are all side effects of the mirena iud.

I have had a lot of side effects from the IUD Mirena and others I have found do too. Is their a class action law suit against Mirena and it's terrible side effects. ?

Apparently you are not alone in your suffering. In fact, a Dallas attorney who experienced this problem herself is seeking out others like yourself for a possible class action suit against the maker. You can find a letter to join/file suit at

Are there any emotional side effects from Mirena?

A few days after I had mine removed I started my period for 6 days but It was too bad. I am already starting to lose the weight that I was told I would not gain on the Mirena....My skin is looking better.

Is a Mirena IUD as safe as any other make?

Mirena IUD birth control method is generally safe and it doesn't cause major problems. In some cases there are side effects, such as obesity, depression and dizziness.

Is it normal to feel pregnant after have Mirena taken out?

Pregnancy symptoms are not a normal side effect of Mirena removal. Take a pregnancy test.

Mirena cause weight gain but what is it?

Mirena is one brand of intrauterine device with progestogen, available in the USA and the UK. It is a method of contraception and is classified as long-acting, reversible contraceptive. Part of the device is a cylinder containing a hormon (levonorgestrel) that is gradually released. That hormon acts as contraceptive and -may- have effects like weight gain. But that is no proven side-effect, in the nearly 25 years the product has been on the market.

What are the side effects of Mirena?

Although it can be a great contraceptive choice, the Mirena IUD has several potential side effects one should be aware of. Some of the less evasive side effects can be: headache, acne, and change in menstrual flow. Some of the more evasive side effects include mood changes, breast tenderness and lower abdominal and back pain. There are also some more serious risks such as ovarian cysts, perforation of the uterus wall and infection.

Is it possible to have a long period after inserted Mirena?

No. you need to go to the doctors to get that checked out! that happened to my mom and she had 2 tumors in her bladder. Not a good sign!!! Prolonged heavy menstrual bleeding is listed as one of the "severe" side effects of Mirena. You should definitely consult a doctor. See the link below for a list of side effects from Mirena use.

Does the diabetic drug Lantus have side effects?

I have used Lantus for several years and have not noticed any bad side effects.