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Q: Are there any ways to avoid to taste of the glue at the orthodontist when you are getting your braces on and will it make me gag?
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When you add hot water to hot cocoa how do i neutralize the too sugary taste especially because of braces?

If you have been told not to eat sweets or drink sugary drinks by your orthodontist, it is not because of the taste. It is because the sugar can become caught around your braces and between your teeth and may cause caries (cavities). Changing the taste of hot cocoa will not protect your teeth. However, there are some tasty sugar-free cocoas you may want to try. If you have always disliked the taste of too-sugary drinks, try mixing a teaspoon of unsweetened baking cocoa to the mix and adding a bit more milk. Or do a "tasting" of spiced teas; you may be surprised! Some of them have a natural sweetness to them...or you can add a sweetener. Make it strong enough to give it a rich taste, and with some milk or cream it makes a nice hot drink on a cold day. If you are under the age of 18, be sure to check with your orthodontist and your parents before drinking any tea. Your orthodontist may or may not be concerned about tooth stains.

Some people say that gum helps move your teeth faster when you have braces. But I have also heard that it stalls the movement. So Is the dentist just telling you not to chew gum because it will stick?

You do not chew gum while wearing braces because it will stick in the wirework. Listen to the orthodontist, not "people". I am just adding on to this answer: I have braces and i chew freedent. In my opinion freedent does not taste very good ( and looses its flavor in less than a minute ). But, I have also chewed many different types of gum with braces and it is usually fine if u chew it in the back of your mouth.

What do braces taste like?

They don't really "taste" like anything really. It's more knowing what they are and that they are there, that makes them "taste" funny. You don't notice them much after you get used to them, and they just get in the way.

Do molds for braces hurt?

no, but they taste horrible. They harden fast, and its really neat to see how your teeth look

Why does metal taste funny when it touches your braces?

Its kind of like how a battery works. The salt from the saliva in your mouth conducts electrons from the metal of your braces to pass through the other metal to your tongue.

How bad do your teeth need to be to get braces?

it doesn't matter if yu have crooked teeth or not. if you want braces and if you are going to pay for them the dentist will put themon. sometimes if your teeth are to bad the dentist will recommend them

Which teeth do you put brackets on for braces?

I am a 15 year-old teenager and I wear braces. This to me, seems like a silly question, but I don't mean anything by it. Brackets are applied to every tooth in the mouth. First, the orthodontist carefully puts every bracket on the teeth, individually of course, and then glues them in place with this unique cement-like substance. Don't taste this whatever you do as it leaves a bitter aftertaste. Then he or she will use this plasma light to activate the glue, and then presto. They are securely fastened. Afterwards the arch wire is put on.

What can you put on braces when they are pointy?

Well u put on something soft on that u cant taste well.... i think

What are the steps to putting on braces?

You need to pick an orthodontist and go for a consultation visit. These are usually free and they will go over everything they plan to do, how long the braces will need to be worn and how much it will cost. And any payment plans if necessary.The basic steps for braces are impressions, spacers, and one or more sets of wired brackets.The first visit involves impressions of the teeth, x-rays and putting in the spacers if needed. Spacers are little rubber band like things that go between the back teeth so the metal bands for the braces will fit. Those are worn for about two weeks. On the following visits, the braces are put on. Sometimes depending on the teeth, the top or bottom will be put on and then at another visit, the other set will be put on. Then about every six weeks you go in for an adjustment. They remove the colored bands and the wire and replace it with a different wire. And give new colored bands. The teeth are usually very sore for a few days after each adjustment. The first one is usually the worst. And the brackets can rub on and hurt the gums and tongue. They will give you wax to put over any brackets that cause sore spots. This is very helpful. Most of the detailed questions you might have are better answered by the orthodontist that will be doing the braces.AnswerWhen you go to the orthodontist to get your braces put on, they will first take your spacers out, which are rubber pieces wedged between your teeth so the metal bands will fit. Then, the orthodontist puts a plastic lip separator in your mouth, which keeps your lips from going on your teeth. Carefully, the orthodontist glues the brackets on each tooth, then dries the glue with a plasma light. Try not to taste the glue, because it will taste terrible. Then the archwire is threaded through each bracket, and tightened so it fits snugly. After this, you are done. the orthodontist will put 0-rings on your brackets which are available in a variety of colors. Your mouth will probably be a bit sore after, so don't eat for a while. The pain will go away in about 2 days. AnswerFirst they make a mold of your teeth, then they put in rubber "O" rings or spacers to make space in between teeth. At a later visit, they will take spacers out, and add the actual braces. They sand down a spot on each tooth and glue the braces on. Then they put the brackets on, and slip wires around your molars. Finally, rubber bands connect the front teeth to the back. None of this is painful, but it can be uncomfortable as the teeth are under tension.

Malunggay has an ugly taste how to avoid it?

To avoid it, don't buy it. It might be a hard habit to break, but I believe in you.

What should you do to avoid being poisoned when tasting liquids?

If in doubt - do not taste - is the best way to avoid being poisoned.

How can you avoid by being a christian?

you avoid being a christian by developing a taste for logical consistency when fulfilling ur philosophical needs