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Tomatoes are indigenous to Central America, primarily Mexico, which is New World.

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Anabelle Hand

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2y ago
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6y ago

Tomatoes are indigenous to Central America, primarily Mexico, which is New World.

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Q: Are tomatoes new world or old world?
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Did tomatoes come from the new world or the old world?

new world!!

What foods went from the old world to the new world?

The New World introduced foods like corn, potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, chili peppers, vanilla, beans, and pumpkin to the Old World.

What was introduced to the Old World from the New during the Columbian Exchange?

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What animals were exchanged from the new wold to the old?

None, No major animals were discovered and brought back to the old world. Though many plants and foodstuffs such as potatoes, beans, tomatoes, and squash.

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Using the new particles produces bigger tomatoes than using the old pesticide.

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Using the new pesticide produces bigger tomatoes than using the old pesticide. -Apex

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What country does tomatoes come from?

The tomato originally comes from South America but then spread around the world following the Spanish Colonization of the Americans. Now tomatoes are grown all around the world.

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old world