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Q: Are you at fault if you hit a car and the driver of the other car is cited for failure to yield?
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What happens if you have no insurance and the other driver is at fault in South Carolina and the driver at fault does have insurance?

You will be cited for driving without insurance and the other driver being at fault, him and his insurance are still liable for damages.

Who is at fault if driver A was cited for reckless driving but driver B had the stop sign and yielded then made the turn but was hit in the rear left corner of car?

Well, you have the obligation to yield right of way, but if the other driver was cited then it's likely his fault. A copy of the accident report will clearly state which driver is at fault.

What happens when an Learners driver is in an accident without a fully licensed driver but instead a provisional driver by her side and she is not the one at fault what happens?

If the other person or driver was at fault as you say, Then all you have to do is file a claim on that persons liability insurance. Hopefully you exchanged information at the scene of the accident.

Who is at fault when one driver changes lanes and slows down and is rear ended and is cited for 'illegal lane usage' and the other driver is cited for 'traveling too fast for road conditions'?

It depends on the State, but most will require that the blame be shared, then you get to fix your own.

Who is at fault if an underage driver wrecks a car and no other car is involved in the accident?

If there is no other vehicle involved in the accident, then the only person who can be at fault is the underage driver.

When stoppe and the car coming in impacts me who's fault?

That would be the other driver's fault, unless you were stopped somewhere that there was no reason to stop. If you have your emergency signals on, however, then it would be the other driver's fault regardless.

Are you responsible for the damages to the other vehicle if you were cited for 'failure to yield right of way' but the other driver was intoxicated and had a revoked license?

If you say he was intoxicated, there should be a police report and arrest to that end, and it may mitigate your damages. However, no matter what his DL status or driving habit, it had nothing to do with you violating the right of way. Whether it was a soccer mom or drunk without a license coming your way, your actions were the same. The other driver will have to face the consequences of that which is his fault, but you will probably end up fixing his car.

Is an accident automaticaly your fault if you do not have a drivers license?

If you're driving without a licence, and get into an accident, you will at least share the fault. Since you're not supposed to be there without a licence in the first place.It's generally assumed the accident would not have occurred if you hadn't been there.Added: You will most certainly be cited for whatever your contribution to the accident (if any) may have been (including operating without a license) - however, if the other driver was clearly at fault they are the one who will be cited as the causative factor.

If your at fault and you hit the other driver that doesnt have a license and uninsured who has to pay?

If you're at fault, you pay.

Who is liable in a car accident where the driver at fault calls the police the other driver leaves the scene and no police report is filed?

The driver at fault is liable for the collision, regardless of the other driver's actions post-collision. The fleeing driver may later be brought up on Hit and Run or Leaving the Scene of an Accident charges, but that will not change the at fault liability.

Who's at fault in California if you get rear ended and the force causes you to hit a car in front of you?

Typically, the driver who hit the middle car will still be at fault, inless it's determined by a police accident report that you were following or parked too closely to the front vehicle. * A process referred to as the chain of causation determines who is at fault in a vehicle accident. In the case cited the driver of the car that created the collision would be responsible for all damages. Any traffic citations given to other driver's involved would have no bearing on the issue of fault.

What should be included in an accident report form?

Everything pertaining to the accident. The other driver's info, vehicle info, investigating officer, location of the accident, was anybody injured or transported to a hospital and most impotantly, who was at fault and cited for the accident's occurrence.