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march 21st and September 21st

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Q: At which place on Earth is the length of the day the same as the length of the night?
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At which place on earth is the length of the day always same as the length of the night?

That would be the equator.

At which place on earth is the length of the day same as the length of the night?

Probably whenever there is a solar eclipse.

When the earth is not tilted and the day and night are the same length what is it called?

the Equinox.

What country has the same length of daytime and length of nighttime all year?

There is no such place on Earth.

What is the average length of day and night of earth?

The average length of a day on Earth is about 24 hours (23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds to be precise), while the length of night is the same. This is due to the rotation of the Earth on its axis, which creates a day-night cycle.

Do stars and constellations appear in the same place every night?

No. Since the earth is constantly spinning, while at the same time, constantly orbiting the Sun, the side of the Earth facing away from the Sun, i.e. the night side, is constantly changing. As a result, stars and constellation do not appear in the same place every night.

Why length of day and night is not the same on same places?

Becoz earth don't rotate at same point ! Its rotates on elipictal path !... So its change its position everytime !so the day or night r nt same ..

Why arent stars always in the same part of the sky at night?

Well to answer your quenstion the reason they are not in the same place is because the earth is moving so at night it is diffrent.

Where is the moon when it's not out at night?

Same place the sun is at night ... far enough around the earth that you can't see it from where you are, but all the people around on that side can.

What is it when day and night are the same length?

An Equinox

What is the phenomenon called when day and night are the same length?

The length of day and night is equal at the Vernal and Autumnal equinox.

When are day and night the same length and what is the phenomenon called?

The length of day and night is equal at the Vernal and Autumnal equinox.