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Q: Black feminist movement in the 80's?
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Are all women movement feminist?

No, not all women are part of the feminist movement. Feminism is a belief in and advocacy for gender equality, but individuals have different beliefs and may not align themselves with the feminist movement.

What music influenced the feminist movement?

There are many different kinds of music and bands which have had an effect on the feminist movement. There are bands like Bikini Kill and the Riot Grrrl Movement.

Consider Shakespeare's Sister by Virginia Woolf as a pioneering essay in feminist movement?

Consider Shakespear's Sister as a pioneering essay in feminist movement

What is a black feminist activist?

A Black Feminist Activist is a feminist who is concerned about issues that impact on black women specifically. An activist is someone who takes action to further their fight for their cause.

How did the music that influenced the feminist movement relate to the issues of the feminist movement?

It had undertones of Lesbianism and helped women to transition away from an oppressive patriarchy to Lesbianism.

Who lead feminist movement in America?

Feminist movement in America was led (mainly) by Susan B. Anthony.

Which is not a manifestation of the feminist movement?

Several unfair reasons still exist that were not solved by the feminist movement. One of the most egregious is the disparity in pay between men and women.

What does it take to be a feminist?

Technically, all you have to do is identify as a feminist. At worst, you'd be a bad feminist (as opposed to not a real feminist) because feminism is a movement, not an organisation. To be a good feminist, you'd have to engage in women's rights advocacy or women's rights activism.

Where can one find information about the feminist movement?

The most easier way to find information about the feminist movement is on the Internet. The information also can be find on magazines or books which are related to feminism.

What are the ratings and certificates for Black in the 80s - 2005?

Black in the 80s - 2005 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-14

Was Alice Walker apart of any particular movement?

Yes, Alice Walker was a prominent figure in the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Feminist Movement. She is known for her activism for racial and gender equality, as well as her work in highlighting the experiences and struggles of African American women.

What does it mean to be a feminist?

Feminism is the movement that supports gender equality. To be a feminist is thus to be someone who thinks that men and women should be equal socially and economically.