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Celexa, Seropram or Citalopram can definitely cause skin conditions, including hair loss and acne.

I have been on this medication on and off for about 15 years.

Every time I am off Citalopram, the acne disappears and my hair loss ceases.

Every time I get back on this medication, due to seasonal depression teamed with life events, the acne returns and so does the hair loss.

Whether on or off Citalopram, I don't change my diet.

And when I get off Citalopram and have stress to deal with, or PMS, I still don't get acne or hair loss.

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Q: Can Celexa cause cystic acne
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What is the medical term meaning extreme acne?

The most extreme form is called severe cystic acne.

Is there an OTC acne treatment especially for cystic acne?

There is no over the counter acne treatment that is specific to cystic acne. If you decide to give OTC products a try you want to find products that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. Some products may also have sulphur in them. It is best to see a dermatologist and get recommendations from them as cystic acne can be difficult to treat.

How do you treat cystic acne?

To treat cystic acne wash the area twice daily, using an antibacterial cleanser. Apply a thin layer of acne treatment cream to your cystic acne. Opt for a cream that contains benzoyl peroxide Also eat a healthy diet.

Do I have Cystic Acne?

Cystic acne forms cysts, which could be the red bumps you experience. Cysts, specifically, are fluid or pus-filled cavities inside the bumps.

What are herbal remidies for cystic acne?

You should consult a physician.

Best home remedy to treat cystic acne?

Calomine lotion

What is cystic acne and how can it be treated?

Cystic Acne is caused by excessively oily skin and it's treated by trying to decrease the skin's oiliness. These start with taking particularly care to wash the skin properly and eventually if necessary you must seek a dermatologist's help. For a complete overview of the subject go to,

Where is information available about holistic medicine for treatment of cystic fibrosis and acne?

You can find information about holistic medicine for acne and cystic fibrosis on the following website: They have a lot of useful info.

How To Cope With Cystic Acne?

Although all forms of acne can prove to be both embarrassing and visually unappealing, Cystic Acne is known as the most severe and painful acne type. Characterized by swollen red pustules and cysts upon the surface of the skin, this sort of acne cannot be cured overnight and often requires careful consideration of a variety of treatment options. Although the cause of Cystic Acne is often not able to be pinpointed, many health professionals state that it seems to be linked to heredity. Although many individuals suffering from Cystic Acne may be tempted to pop or squeeze the red acne bumps which appear on their skin, it is important to restrict oneself from doing so. For such actions often cause permanent scarring which can require a lengthy treatment process to correct. Oral antibiotics have been proven as effective treatments for Cystic Acne, though it is important to consult a healthcare professional before embarking on a path of treatment. For those interested in attempting a more holistic and natural approach to cope with the effects of Cystic Acne, there is recent evidence to suggest the effectiveness of such over-the-counter vitamins including Zinc. Zinc has become increasingly easy to find due to it also being used as a defense against the common cold. If you decide to use Zinc as a resource for the treatment of your Cystic Acne symptoms, be sure to follow any printed instructions carefully and discontinue use if you notice any strange side effects. For sufferers looking for a quick answer to their Cystic Acne symptoms, it is important to remember that no treatment will prove effective overnight. Patience must be exercised since effective treatment may be a long and ongoing process. Remember that topical acne treatments are usually not useful ways to combat Cystic Acne, and that it is usually a condition which is dealt from the inside out, with the help of oral treatments. Some physicians suggest changes in diet as well as an increase in exercise, often to complement an existing oral antibiotics treatment plan. Although Cystic Acne can seem to be a constantly dooming condition, there are a variety of effective treatment options available.

What kind of acne causes deep down pimples that are painful and dries skin out around the pimple?

Cystic Acne causes very deep, painful acne that can leave scars.

Is masturabting can cause acne?

No, masturbation does not cause acne.

How dangerous is Laser acne treatment for children?

Laser acne treatments are not for everyone and can be uncomfortable and traumatizing for children. There are less drastic ways such as antibiotics to treat acne, and laser acne treatment is not suitable for people with skin conditions such as psoriasis or cystic acne.