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The max amount of fish you could have in the tank is around 30 inches, (Tanks are never filled to the brim) provided you have a filter running all the time and you do at least a 50% water change weekly.

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Q: Can a bushy nose pleco a black mollie a betta and 2 Malaysian snails live in 35 gallon tank or should you only have a few and want the bushy nose the most?
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Can a bushy nose pleco a black mollie a betta and 2 Malaysian snails live in 35 gallon tank or should you only have some of those and you want the bristlenose the mostÉ?

Provided you keep a filter running all the time and do a 50% water change weekly things should be OK.

Can a bristlenose pleco a black mollie a betta and 2 Malaysian snails live in a 35 gallon tank or should you only have some of those and you want the bristlenose the most?

The tank would not be overstocked with what you have suggested, provided you have a filter running all the time and you do a 50% water change every week.

Is is okay to have a Betta and 2 Malaysian snails in a 5 gallon?

You would be very close to overstocked. I personally would get rid of the snails.

Is it okay to put snails in a 15 gallon tank?

I would not recommend adding snails to any tank if you intend to have fish.

How many snails is to many in a 30 gallon tank holding 12 tropical fish and 1 goldfish?

7....But you should keep an good watch on them.

What is an assassin snail?

I have a 10 gallon tank, which is now overun by snails. I purchased an Assasin snail and for more than a month of watching him, he has not done much! I dont think he has killed one snail ( I even put him in a bowl with five snails and they crawled all over him) is my assasin snail broken or what should I expect. How many Assasin's should inhabit a 10 gallon tank? and is there a way to sex them?

How do snails have baby's?

Most snails lay eggs, but some are live-bearing snails, such as the Malaysian Trumpet Snail. Most snail species are hermaphroditic, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs. However, apple snails are one of the few exceptions to this rule. Snails typically reproduce sexually, although some species have been known to reproduce asexually.

Do snails need a filter?

Freshwater snails do not need a filter, but they prefer it. The more water movement, the cleaner they/their shell stays. I have 3 mystery snails in a 10 gallon and 2.5 gallon tank with a filter and they're doing very well, but I also have 5 baby mystery snails in an ice cream pail until they fully mature. They're doing well, too.

Can freshwater lake snails eat sand?

Yes. Malaysian Trumpet Snails live in and on top of sand substrates. While most snails will crawl happily over the sand, Malaysian Trumpet Snails will burrow through it. They don't burrow much if at all in gravel, which is too large to easily push aside.Much debris - fish mulm, food scraps, etc. - accumulates on top of the sand, more than accumulates on top of gravel. Snails have better access to debris as a food source on a sand surface than they do on gravel, which allows much of the debris to fall through. MTS feed on what they find below the sand's surface as well on top and turn over the sand as they burrow, which keeps the sand aerobic and "live."Bonus: MTS don't disturb the roots of any plants rooted in the substrate.

Do water snails need pumps?

No, a filter should do.

Can six guppies and five apple snails live together in a five-gallon tank?

You do not say if the guppies are common guppies or fancy, also how many male and female guppies you have, yes as far as the snails and guppies go, one point to remember is the tank water should be above 72 degrees and some live floating plants for the guppies too hide in.

What kind of cold water aquarium algae eaters for a 5 gallon tank do you need?

Freshwater aquatic snails would be the best choice for a tank that small.