

Can a catfish kill other fish for food?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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i think

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Q: Can a catfish kill other fish for food?
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Will a goldfish compete for resources against other fish?

Yes, they will do anything to survive they will even kill other fish for food or a house!

How much food does a catfish eat per day?

If your Cory catfish is in a tank with no other fish species, it really doesn't matter. If you have other fish species with it in a tank I would try turning off the lights at night and feeding your Cory then. It will give your Cory a better chance of getting the food before another fish gets it because corys don't use their eyes to find food, they use their barbles.

What is the most difficult fish to kill?

In my opinion, it would be the South American Red-Tailed Catfish. It grows up to 8ft. and I have one at home, and he is 3ft. so far. I'd say any type of catfish is hard to kill.

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it can possibly kill your fish so mak sure there is no ash in your fish food.

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Can you feed a fighting fish a fish?

well not exactly if you want to kill your other fish then........sure! why not? if love your fish, why kill it?

You have 2 plecos and a catfish Can they live with 3 large goldfish that are about the same size of the plecos and catfish in a 50 gallon tank?

No. Goldfish are cold-water fish, plecos (which are catfish) and your other catfish are warm-water fish. You run a heater in a pleco/catfish tank, but no heater in a goldfish tank. Plecos are also territorial toward conspecifics, meaning two plecos in one tank will fight and possiibly kill each other. The other problem? A 50-gallon tank is only large enough for one pleco, even if they weren't territorial. I would return one pleco, either the catfish--what is it, a bagrid?--or the other pleco, and the goldfish. If you want to build a community around one of these big cats, try some medium-sized tough cichlids like Jack Dempseys or firemouths. I kept three Dempseys and a pleco in a 55-gallon aquarium for years, and they were great together.1st: Plecos are catfish.2nd: Goldfish can't live with any other fish besides other goldfish. 3rd: What kind of Catfish is it? 4th: 1 pleco per tank only!

Why is overfishing like it is?

because when we fish it can kill other fish

Can a catfish live with a red eared slider turtle?

No. Eventually the turtle will kill the catfish.

Will a male betta fish kill a female?

yes betta fish have to live alone or one will kill the other.

How is a natural caused fish kill different from a human caused fish kill?

One is caused by humans, the other is not.

What sea animals are poisonous?

the catfish because of its poisonous barbs, the puffer fish because if the shark eat it, the shark's mouth will be pierce of the puffer fish spines, some jellyfish can kill it and maybe a stingray too.