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Yes, your hCG level is still elevated from the last pregnancy for about 6 weeks.

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Q: Can a positive pregnancy test be wrong if you take it 5 weeks after you have a baby?
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What if your blood group is AB positive and your wife's blood group is O positive She is now in her 30 weeks pregnancy What might be our baby's blood group?

The baby will either be A positive or B positive but the baby's genotype will be AO+ or BO+

If Pregnancy test is positive but doctors can see baby in the ultrasound is there something wrong?

did you mean to say "negative"?

Would a pregnancy test show up positive if they told you your baby has died at six weeks gestationand is still in my womb?

Yes, it takes several weeks until the hormones settle.

You just had a baby 7 weeks ago when can you take a pregnancy test?

You can take a pregnancy test roughly 3 weeks after you had sex

If you just had a baby would a pregnancy test be positive?

For a while after giving birth a pregnancy test can still come back positive. However, you shouldn't be having sex for at least six weeks after giving birth. So there should not be a need to take a test at that time.

If the baby is a missed miscarriage will a pregnancy test still be positive?

Yes it can be, i was told last Friday when i went for a dating scan at 9wks and 3 days that my baby had died some 4 weeks before. I was testing positive right up until that day

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Can a baby form after 5 weeks of pregnancy?

At 5 weeks of pregnancy , the fetus is still in the process of organeosis. It will take 3 months for to complete this.

What term means the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy 20 or more weeks after the pregnancy began?

If you lose a baby after 20 weeks of pregnancy, it's called a stillbirth. If you lose it in the first 20 weeks, it's miscarriage.

How many weeks for fetal development?

I am 21 weeks into my pregnancy and i still can't feel my baby move!

Can baby be felt after six weeks of pregnancy?

You.can..... But of is your first pregnancy you may not recognize it as the baby moving....movement is most noticeable after 3 months

How many weeks pregnant do you have to be to do a positive test?

You can take a pregnancy test from two weeks after you last had sex. Check your home pregnancy test to make sure it is sensitive enough to pick up pregnancy hormones that early on, or consider taking a pregnancy test at your doctors office.