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Yes, but only in very small portions and not very often. Celery is a little to high in oxalates for turtles to handle on a regular basis.

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Q: Can a red ear slider turtles eat celery?
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Will slider turtle eat goldfish?

Yes. My red ear slider turtles love to chase, catch and eat goldfish.

Can you put pond hyacinthus in your red ear slider tank?

Yes, pond hyacinth is fine. Turtles can eat that plant.

Can you feed a small baby red ear slider a cricket?

Red Ear Slider Turtles eat a variety of foods. Yes, they will crickets, you can also feed dried shrimp, pellets, krill, or blood worms.

Can a goldfish live with 2 red ear slider?

As a rule of thumb, you should not feed your turtle anything bigger than his head. Aquatic or semi aquatic turtles can eat fish. However, if you have them in a tank, even with filtration, it can cause an oily film on the surface of the water.

What do red ear slider turtles eat other than bought pet food?

red eared slider turtles will eat alot of things like:guppies,snails,shrimp,somtimes crab or hermit crab,tetra fish(cloud white or glo lite),minnows,and somtimes even other turtles.

Can aquatic turtles eat mango red eared slider?


Can you feed cherries to your red ears sliders turtles?

no i have a red ear slider an he will proly get sick cuz hes not use to an turtles dont eat dat day eat turtle food or fish if its use to it

What kind of fish won't a red eared slider eat?

red eared slider turtle do not eat sharks. despite there ability to practically devour anything the sharks are to big to attempt to attack it. hence turtles do not try to attack them and red eared slider turtles don't eat them. :)

Do red ear turtles potato rolls?

yes red ear turtles can eat potato rolls.

Can red eared slider turtles eat onions?

No, however, red-eared slider turtles tend to be very open to any new type of food expect onions

How do you tell if a red eat slider is a boy or girl?

female red ear slider have a much shorter tail then the male.

How much does a red ear slider baby turtle eat?

Very little