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Hey there buddy,Ive been doing some research on this matter due to the fact that Ive had 3 due to bad molars that should have been pulled years ago. First, Ive read that sometimes the doctor will take a knife and cut you like they did to "rocky" for his eye. It basically lets the blood that's causing the swelling and most of the pus/infection to drain out. After that u should feel better and notice the swelling to go down in a few hours, say 6+. But as far as i can tell it wont because the cavity is causing the abscess the root of your tooth is probably already dead just spreading the infection. Ive also heard that they can cause heart problems and breathing problems if it speads to those areas. I guess it all depends on how long you have had it and done nothing about it. Ive had mine for over 5 years but the last 2 years have been hell. Also ive heard that if your tooth is that bad but can be saved, most ppl end up getting it pulled 5-10 years anyway because it rotted out so you might be better to just have them pull it. I know steak and tuff meats will be off the menu but theres always mac and cheese and noodles. Besides when we all get old i bet we will have dentures too most older folks have them and i know our dental habits are worse than theirs so go get all your bad teeth pulled, drop the 2-4k for all the work and get a head start on your new chompers.... don't end up like me and have no choice left but to get dentures, Im looking at 12 teeth pulled. 3 bottom molers on both sides, my 2 beaver teeth, the 2 next to the beaver teeth and then i gotta get 2 teeth laser cut out because they broke at the gum line.... theres nothing to grab on to to pull them out...THATS BAD!!!!!

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Most likely not, as the problem with abscessed teeth is that the tooth is damaged and allowing bacteria into the pulp and root cavity. While antibiotics may clear up the infection for now, they will not prevent another infection after you are off of the antibiotics. Nor will they prevent the tooth from becoming more damaged.

Unfortunately, the only cure for a bad tooth is a visit to the dentist or oral surgeon's chair.

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Q: Can antibiotics heal an abscessed tooth enough that a root canal is unnecessary?
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Is there a natural way to treat an abscessed tooth without using antibiotics?

Options include extraction and root canal treatment, however antibiotics are sometimes necessary as it is often verry dificult to extract/root treat acutely abscessed teeth. Dr Nicholas Manning BDS Glasg MFDS (RCSEng)

Should an abscessed tooth be removed or treated if there is no pain but the X-rays show the tooth to be abscessed?

Yes, you should have an abscessed tooth either removed (or a root canal) done. It depends on what the dentist says. First, the dentist will put you on antibiotics to be sure the abscess is cleared up and then do the procedure. Most dentists prefer to save your teeth if at all possible so discuss the root canal as an option.

What dentist should Hakim go to for an abscessed tooth that needs a root canal?

An endodontist

How can you cure tooth abscess?

An abscessed tooth can be treated with a root canal and a crown, or with an apicoectomy (if the root canal has failed) or with an extraction. Only your dentist can tell you which option is best for your individual situation.

How long will antibiotics keep a person from having a root canal?


Is blood pressure fluctuation related to abscessed teeth that have not yet been extracted?

Yes. I had an abcessed tooth for about a year and I did not know it. My blood pressure was really weird during that time, as soon as I went on antibiotics and then had a root canal done, my blood pressure went back to normal. I also had a cousin who had a tooth abscessed and she did not know it. Well she died and they did an autopsy on her because they did not know her cause of death and they found pus in her heart cavity leading down from where the tooth was.

Can a tooth that has had a root canal become abscessed?

A root canal procedure can be started while an infection (abscess) is present but but probably not completed until another day, and it may be quite painful.The reason it will be painful is if the infection is located in such a way that it prevents the effective use of local anesthetics. Local anesthetics do not work well in infected tissues. During the procedure, the nerve of the tooth is exposed, touched directly, and removed. Local anesthetics are extremely necessary. Once the tooth is opened there will be a large quantity of exudate (pus) present as well as blood. In order for the root canal to be completed properly, the bleeding and the exudate need to be gone. The long term success of the root canal is dependent on this.An alternative would be to go on a regimen of antibiotics for a few days to knock down the infection and reduce the blood supply to the infected tooth. The root canal can then be completed, and it should be a lot more comfortable.Ask your dentist about your options.

What antibiotic should be taken for an abscessed molar tooth?

I have been given Amoxicillan for two of my abscess tooth problems. but that won't do the whole trick if the infection is spread too much. You will have to have a root canal. Also be careful taking antibiotics for too long, they can kill off good bacteria in your stomach (drink buttermilk) or ask for a supplement of that in the pharmacy (non prescription but it's behind the counter).

What does it mean if you had an abscessed tooth got a root canal and the abscess seems to be coming back?

A dentist, specifically yours, would probably suggest removal of the tooth - especially if the abscess has come back.

Is treatment the same for an abscessed tooth in an elderly person?

Yes, usually. If they are in good health, but if they are in poor health, depending on the severity of the infection, they might be treated in the hospital. If the abcess is not bad, and the tooth has good bone protection around it, and the other teeth do too, a root canal can be done to take out the infected nerve, and with antibiotics after the root canal is complete, the abcess 99% of the time will go away. Then the tooth will SOMETIMES need a crown, but sometimes a tooth colored fillng can be done, if the elderly person is not concerned with esthetics.

What is antibioma?

actually it is due to treating swelling in mouth by antibiotics only.such conditions occur due to dental abscess where antibiotics given without incision and drainage or root canal treatment.

The dentist said you have an absessed tooth does it have to be pulled or can it heal?

No. Generally speaking an absessed tooth can be saved by antibiotic therapy and root canal therapy together. There are times when a tooth cannot be saved though- when not enough tooth structure is left to support a crown or "cap", or when a root is actually fractured. Sometimes an absessed tooth is caused from a periodontal problem or in other words, a gum problem. This requires antibiotics and debridement or "deep cleaning" - or surgery.