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No, there are several qualifications; you must have had at least on child of your own, and that pregnancy must have been mostly complication free (low birth weights, early birth, High blood pressure) can all be determining factors, also if you are on any anti depressants, or medications you could also be a factor. You need to be generally healthy, within a generally normal BMI, although some clinics do allow higher BMI's.

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In some states it is illegal to be compensated, however it is legal in all 50 states for women to become pregnant as surrogate mothers.

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Will Planned Parenthood explain how to become a surrogate mother?

Yes, Planned Parenthood will explain to you the process of becoming a surrogate mother. They might even have a guide.

Do you have to have your tubes untied to be a surrogate mother?

No, you do not have to have your tubes untied to become a surrogate. My partner and I, our surrogate has her tubes tied and we used an egg donor for the embryo. They are then transferred into the uterus after they are fertilized.

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The term "birth mother" has become irrelevant these days, hasn't it. So the child's DNA will match that of the woman who supplied the egg.

Can you become a serrogent mother with your tubes tied?

Absolutely! If you are a gestational surrogate your eggs are not used.

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Do you have to have a baby before you can be a surrogate mother

What is the meaning of a surrogate?

The dictionary definition of Surrogate is substitute. A surrogate mother is a woman who has someone else's baby for them, in effect a woman who is a substitute for the mother.

Looking for information on being a surrogate mother.?

There are many agencies you can work with to learn how to be a surrogate mother. The best agency I have found is Surrogate Mothers Inc.

If you have Antiphospholipid Syndrome and you are wanting to use a surrogate mother can you pass it on to the surrogate mother?

No, you cannot pass Antiphospholipid syndrome to a surrogate mother who is carrying your baby. You can pass it onto your unborn baby though.

are surrogate mother contracts permissable in New York?

surrogate mother contracts are permissible in state of New York.

Surrogate in a sentence?

Since we couldn't have a baby. We decided to hire a surrogate mother.

Who is Michael jacksons son blankets mother?

An unknown surrogate.

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What are the different opinions about being a surrogate mather