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No. it can't.

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Q: Can baking soda remove paint from wood?
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The best way to remove a stain odor from a breadbox is to air it out by leaving the door open. You might also want to try wiping it down with a baking soda mixture. A box of baking soda in it might also remove the odor.

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You can try to remove chalk paint from wood using mineral spirits. Paint remover may also work, but it may strip the paint.

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How do you remove stain from wood?

To remove stains from wood, you can try sanding the wood surface with fine-grit sandpaper, applying a wood stain remover or bleach, or using a mixture of baking soda and water. It's important to test a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure the method doesn't damage the wood finish.

Can you use paint thinner to remove paint from wood trim?

Yes you can use paint thinner to remove the paint on the wood. 2nd Answer: No, paint thinner will not remove paint from anything. Most paint is now water-based, anyway. Paint thinner does just what the names says: It thins oil based paint if the paint is too thick for some reason.

Would laundry soap remove paint from wood?

Possibly if it's latex paint.

How do you remove a paint thinner stain from a wood furniture?

There really isn't a way to remove a paint thinner stain from wood furniture. You must repaint or re-stain the furniture.

How do you remove latex paint primer from artificial wood deck?

There are several ways to remove paint from a wood deck: * Use a pressure washer to remove the paint. * You can use a sander to remove the paint. This metod takes a lot of time. However, it is the safest way. * There are chemical paint removers. However, you wll need to be extra careful using them. Their fumes are toxic.

What is use to remove old paint from a surface?

I found out that Rubbing alcohol will remove dried latex paint on hard wood floors.

How do you repaint the wood panel to look like wood?

First, remove any paint or other finishes. Use sandpaper, electric sander, and paint scrapers.

How to get pee odor out of wood floor?

clean well, use baking soda, then seal in what's left with new urethane

Can the effect of coca cola remove paint from wood?

yes. i tried it when i was little.