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Yes, ... my son recently approached me one night with a red, rough rash that resembled tiny little bumps all over his chest and his back. The rash hadn't yet spread to the lower abomen and back, but we went to the ER to get checked out. He did not have a fever, his throat was red - according to the Dr., and he maybe had a slight cough, but nothing really persistent. Definietly nothing that would have me concerned that he might have strep throat...His throat culture for strep came back negative, but the Dr. placed him on antibotics for ten days...the rash cleared up in around two days, and it never spread I am still questioning whether or not this was due to strep throat, but it makes sense. They called it a "Scarletina" rash. - from strep. They also said even though a culture comes back negative, you can't always trust the results. My son is fine now, and no more rash!

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No, anyone can get Scarlet Fever. While it is most prominent in children, adults are not immune from it.

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Q: Can children get a scarlet fever rash without having strep throat?
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Where did you get Scarlet Fever from?

untreated strep throat

When was scarlet fever prevalent?

Scarlet fever is a disease that attacks children. It causes fever, a red rash, and can be deadly if not treated quickly. Though no exact date for the discovery of the illness exists, it was being written about by Hippocrates in the 400s BC.

What part of the brain does scarlet fever affect?

no its effect on throat and skin

What are common diseases caused bacteria?

strep throat and scarlet fever

What is the size of scarlet fever?

Scarlet fever is a disease that is caused by a bacteria. It is characterized by a rash and a sore throat. The size of a scarlet fever cells is typically between 0.6 and 1.0 micrometer in diameter.

What size is the scarlet fever?

Scarlet fever is a disease that is caused by a bacteria. It is characterized by a rash and a sore throat. The size of a scarlet fever cells is typically between 0.6 and 1.0 micrometer in diameter.

How many deaths does scarlet fever and strep throat cause a year on average?

about 10,000

Is scarlet fever preventable?

Scarlet fever iscausedby Gram Positive cocci,non motile,catalase negative,oxidase negative streptococcus pyogenes of Lancefield group A having beta haemolysis on Blood agar.The disease occur mainly in Human where it's usual habitat is Upper respiratory tract.The scarlet fever is also called as Septic sore throat,puerperal fever,rheumatic fever etc.Antibiotics are used to kill the bacteria that causes the throat infection. This is crucial to prevent rheumatic fever, a serious complication of strep throat and scarlet fever. With proper antibiotic treatment, the symptoms of scarlet fever should get better quickly. However, the rash can last for up to 2 - 3 weeks before it fully goes away.

What does scarlet fever attack?

Scarlet fever is essentially a strept throat with a distinct rash. Its incubation period is ~ 7-10 days. Since it is a bacterial infection, the patient will need an antibiotic to improve.

Where was scarlet fever originated?

Scarlet fever is caused by a bacteria little different from that which causes Strep throat. The bacteria, and the disease, is ancient and no one knows where it began.

Is there a cure for scarlet fever?

Scarlet fever can be brought under control by penicillin. Aside from having to teat diarrhoea, the treatment and course of scarlet fever is the same as strep throat. Where there is a penicillin allergy, clindamycin or erythromycin is also effective. After 24 hours of treatment victims should no longer be infectious. People that have been exposed to the disease should watch for symptoms for a week particularly in the case of very young children. it is however extremely unusual for toddlers to contract the disease.

What is streptococcus?

Streptococcus is a bacterium which is commonly found in the throat. It can give you strep throat, rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, or tonsillitis. There are two groups, group A and B