

Can comedy and tragedy exist in the same story?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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Many stories contain elements of both.

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Q: Can comedy and tragedy exist in the same story?
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What is a comedy history and tragedy that Shakespeare wrote?

With some plays it is hard to tell what they are but The Merry Wives of Windsor is very clearly a comedy, Titus Andronicus is as clearly a tragedy. As for the histories, Henry V is a history which is not a tragedy (although it might be considered a comedy as it ends with the announcement of a wedding). Richard III on the other hand is a history which is clearly a tragedy (it has almost the same plot as Macbeth.)

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The History plays do not always follow the patterns of comedy and tragedy. People are looking for a play where either everything turns out great for the main character at the end or everything turns to disaster at the end. Either of these two endings closes the story arc and satisfies the audience. Where Shakespeare could, he wrote his histories this way, and it is those which are written this way are his most popular. Henry V is a true comedy, with Henry winning at the end and marrying the girl. Richard III is a true tragedy (it's even called a tragedy in the earliest publications) which ends in the death of the main character and a pile of others. Compare it to the undoubted tragedy Macbeth which has almost the same plot. Richard II and King John are similar, but our feelings toward these two kings is more ambivalent, so we are not really satisfied by their demise, although we appreciate their weaknesses and wrongdoings. Other histories just pick up and tell the story of what was going on. This is how history really works--it's just a sequence of events--but the endings seem a bit flat, because they have no real conclusion. Life is like that, but drama rarely is.

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