

Can methylene blue expire

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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If it has a use by date you are supposed to observe that date. I personally would ignore the use by date and use it

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Q: Can methylene blue expire
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Why is methylene blue used as an indicator of cell respiration?

because methylene blue turns colourless when it is reduced by hydrogen. during respiration hydrogen is produced and instead of reducing NAD, it reduces methylene blue and turns methylene blue colourless. if methylene blue goes from blue to colourless then this shows that the cell is respiring as it is producing a suffiecient amount of hydrogen to decolourise methylene blue

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What color is simple staining on a bacillus and coccus using methylene blue stain?

Methylene blue stains everything blue.

How does methylene blue affect the paramecium?

Methylene blue can inhibit the growth and reproduction of paramecium by disrupting cellular respiration and other metabolic processes. It interferes with the electron transport chain in mitochondria, affecting energy production in the cell and ultimately leading to its death.

Which substance has a higher molecular weight a methylene blue or potassium permanganate?

METHYLENE BLUE has high molecular weight.

What is the function on bile in Eosin Methylene Blue agar?

To make the Eosin Methylene BLue Agar look cool and hip.

Chemical sometimes used to make the specimen visible on a microscope?

Methylene blue is an example.

What color is methylene blue?

Methylene blue is a synthetic dye that appears as a dark blue or greenish-blue color in its solid form. It is commonly used in biological staining techniques and as a medication for certain medical conditions.

Is methylene blue a chromophore?

Nope - methylene blue is a stain. You need liquid indicator like phenolphthalein that responds to pH changes.

Why is methylene blue necessary?

Methylene blue is helpful to observe cells through a violet-blue color, making organelles, as well as the cell, easier to identify.

How would the pH of the stain methylene blue affect the staining of bacteria?

The pH of the methylene blue stain can impact its ability to adhere to bacteria and penetrate the cell wall. A lower pH may enhance staining by increasing the positive charge of the dye, allowing it to bind more effectively to the negatively charged bacterial cell wall components. Conversely, a higher pH could reduce the staining efficiency by decreasing the positive charge of the dye.