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No. Once mold has formed, throw it away.

To add a little detail... yes, you can kill the mold, but that won't make it safe. The mold produces substances that are toxic to us, so even if the mold is dead, you don't want to eat it. I don't know if this is a strategy the mold has evolved for keeping all of its food for itself, or if it's just that way.

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Q: Can mold on bread be killed with heat so it is safe?
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If you can't see mold on the bread is it safe?

I have eaten bread that tasted of mold, but did not see it on the piece I ate but found mold at the other end of the loaf. Generally, if I don't find any mold anywhere on the bread, I figure it is OK to eat.

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yes its still safe infact their nothing healthier than that

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Mold is not safe to eat, whether it is growing on cheesecake or anywhere else. Some species of mold are quite toxic, and may result in pancreatic cancer. Don't eat it.

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Fondue! A little bread, a little cheese, a little white wine, and a little heat.

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== == * I've eaten it and I'm still alive. Just make sure that you take the mold off. Also, don't use extremely moldy bread: If your bread has more than three small colonies or a large one, then throw it out... One way of checking if the bread is safe to eat is that if the bread has a peachy smell or a grass smell, it's bad. == == * No, eating moldy bread is never a good idea!!

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no,because the mold could get into the air and make the enviorment unsafe

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Any mold CAN be harmful, especially if you are allergic. No area of significant mold growth within the home should be considered safe.

Is it safe to eat a yam with mold on the outside?

No once it has mold on it, it's bad. Even is the mold is picked off, there is still bacteria in the food. So if you eat it you will get sick.