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Male cats do not go int heat, neutered or otherwise; heat is a characteristic of the female oestrus cycle. Even a properly neutered male may still respond to a female in heat, out of habit.

If a cat has learned to spray before he was neutered, he very likely will continue after he has been neutered. It likely will be less frequent, but it can still happen.

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Q: Can nuetered male cats go into heat and spray?
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If male cats spray to mark their terratory then what do female cats do?

Females spray in exactly the same way, although not as often. Female cats who are in heat are likely to spray a lot more when no in heat, to advertise herself to a male cat.

For female cats what is in that spray they spray?

A female cat, just like a male cat, can and will spray when on heat, or feel their territory is being threatened. They spray very strong-smelling urine to communicate with other cats in the area.

Do male cats spray that have a queen to breed?

Yes. Spraying is a way of marking territory, and both male and female cats are very territorial. Except when a female is in heat, a male cat considers her no more than another intruder on his hunting grounds, and will spray to mark his turf.

Do male cats put there claws into the female while mateing?

Male cats do not go into heat Whole male cats are always ready, able, and willing to breed any females in heat whenever they can. As to male cats spraying, they may be more actively spraying when seasoning females are close by, but they often spray just to mark territory.

Who sprays girl cats or boys cats?

Both. Males usually spray more frequently as they usually have larger territories and want to advertise themselves to as many females as possible. Female cats can and do spray also, although most only do this when they are in heat in order to attract a male.

Do cats spray on each other when mating or fighting?

It is smally possible if the male cat senses that your cat (if you have one.) has sprayed the area, marking his or her terroriory, then he will back off. But if you have no cat, or just a dog(s), then he will spray the area, letting other cats know, that he had been there and had claimed it as his.

Can a male cat spray because a female dog is in heat in the house?

It is very unlikely he is spraying specifically because your dog is on heat. However, any stressful factors can cause cats to spray, and the dog's mood changes and unusual smells may be causing the spraying behaviour. Entire male cats are very likely to spray for no specific reason, and tom cats should always be neutered. A vet can give you advice on neutering, and on products or environmental changes to help reduce spraying.

How long do male cats spray for?

A male kitten typically does not start spraying, it sprays at all, until 6 months of age. A kitten neutered before it starts to spray is less likely to do so.

Do pregnant cats still spray?

I thought only male cats spray... never heard of a female cat do it! in fact they don't. I think your dreaming!

How do i break up my two male cats from a fight?

Spray them with water.

When do male cats go into heat?

Male cats do not go into heat. Only the females do.

If you get a female cat will it spray in your house if it is the only cat in the house?

Answer: Only male cats spray so you won't have any trouble with your female cat.Answer:Actually, both genders will, and do, spray. An intact (not neutered) female cat usually doesn't spray as much as an intact male, but they will spray to advertise themselves to any passing male that they are on heat and ready to mate.If your cat is spayed, and hasn't got any history of spraying, then it is very unlikely that she will spray at all.