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Q: Can resistance exercise cause muscle hypertrophy?
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Related questions

What is the short term effect of hypertrophy?

hypertrophy is when the cells in a muscle duplicate and cause the muscle to get larger

Does atrophy of muscles cause a increase in size?

atrophy is a decrease in muscle mass. Hypertrophy is muscle growth.

What disease most often occurs in males and causes muscular weakness and hypertrophy?

Certain forms of muscular dystrophy are x-linked, cause weakness, and can cause muscular hypertrophy as muscle cells are replaced with fat.

What can be the cause of muscle soreness other than exercise?

You can pop a muscle

What is One cause of muscle soreness is?

Exercise and working out

Does arthritis cause muscle wastage?

Directly, I think that it doesn't cause wastage. It may cause some muscle atrophy due to lack of exercise.

What is better concentric or eccentric exercise?

In Resistance Training, concentric and eccentric contractions are two movements done by opposing muscles. Eccentric contractions are said to cause delayed onset of muscle sorennes( DOMS).

How does exercise effect muscle fatigue?

There are various ways through which exercise will effect muscle fatigue. This will enhance blood circulation which will deliver more oxygen to the fatigued muscles. Exercise will also cause lactic acid to be released.

What kind of exercise cause muscles to becomes stronger?

well any exercise will cause a muscle to grow stronger but if you mean to gain volume then you want to do anaerobic exercise (less reps more weight)

What is the most direct cause of muscle fatigue during exercise in the heat?

The most direct cause of muscle fatigue during any exercise in direct heat is dehydration of the body system as well as excessive build up of lactic acid.

Resistance training is a great way to build muscle mass but excessive training can cause .?


What is warmup exercise?

Warm-up exercise include stretching and exercices of moderate intensity that cause sweating and increase in muscle temperature.