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Q: Can softened well water be used for betta fish?
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Is betta water conditioner safe for goldfish?

Yes, your betta water conditioner should be a standard water conditioner that can be used in any fish tank.

Do betta fish need air pump?

Betta fish do not need to be in oxygenated water because they gulp air from the surface of the water. They can be kept in a variety of small containers. I found some really stylish ones online at I attached a link for you!

Can you use just regular water from the tap for a beta?

Tap water is the best water for betta fish! There is no need to go out and buy expensive betta fish's no different then tap! If you want to be sure that the tap water is safe for your betta, put in some sort of conditioner for the water.

How did the betta originate?

Betta fish used to be dull colored fish that lived in small puddles in Cambodia, Thailand, and other places in Asia.

Can the Betta h2o conditioner be used for other fish?

Yes. All fish need the chlorine and ammonia in water to be neutralized, so all conditioners have the same effect.

What kind of water do betta fish use?

You should use tap water or bottled water. If you are using tap or bottled water, make sure you buy a bottle of Water Air Contitioner for the Betta. Make sure it says: Betta Water Conditoner, or on the bottle it says it can be used on all kinds of fish. Also, at Petco, they have a gallon of something called Betta Water. You won't need any chemicals for this, they made this water safe for the Betta. Thinking about buying a Betta Fighting Fish or need the right supplies for it? Here is the list of supplies that you will need: -A GLASS bowl. [Plastic bowls might have harmful chemicals] -Betta Water Conditioner [Or a water conditoner that can be used for any kind fish] -Betta Fish Food -Rocks for the bowl -1 or more plants [Betta's love plants to hide in] - A sponge to clean out the Betta bowl [Clean it twice a week] -If you want, you could buy a net IF YOU want to. You could put him in a cup, too. This is about everything you need. By the way, you shouldn't put a Betta male and female together UNLESS its their breeding period. Otherwise, the male might damage the female because males are much larger then the females. NEVER put the same sex [male&male/female&female] together, because they WILL fight. Places to get Betta Fighting Fish: Petsmart, Petco, Walmart Supercenter. If you need to know anything else about the betta fight fish, look it up on , There should be some good sites there. Hope this information is helpful!! Good luck taking care of your Betta Fighting Fish!Bettas are freshwater fish and can be kept in dechlorinated tapwater (buy water treatment from your pet store). However, they do need their water kept clean and warm. It should be changed often, especially if not filtered. A betta MUST be kept either in a room with central heating, or in a heated tank or bowl. The water should not be allowed to drop below 18 degrees C.

1 gallon tank what type of fish can you put in it?

A 1 gallon tank could have one betta fish, but you will need to be diligent about changing the water on a regular basis. The smallest tank that should be used, even for a betta, is a 2.5 gallon tank as it at least gives the fish swimming room.

When does a Betta fish decide to eat?

If the fish is still getting used to it's surroundings, it might not eat. This is normal. Usually if betta fish are comfortable, they will eat as soon as they smell or see the food.

What country does the tropical fish known as betta splendens come from?

Betta's originally come from Thailand, which used to be known as Siam. Hence the name "Siamese Fighting Fish".

Does a betta fish have to have a fish epsom salt?

Epsom salts (MgSO4) is a medicine that can be used under certain conditions to aid in affecting a cure of some intestinal problems of fish. Chemicals should not be added to any fishes water without a specific need. You can't cure a fish of something it hasn't got so adding EpsomSalts to the water will do no good at all to a healthy Betta. In fact it may make the fish sick.

Where is fighter fish from?

"Siamese fighting fish" (Betta splendens) originated in the paddy fields, puddles and slow water ways in the tropical rainforests of what used to be called "Siam" now known as "Thailand".

Do betta fish really eat other fish?

some beta fish are aggressive and will tend to attack other fish but depending one the environment you've had them in they wont. Like if they have been around other fish then no but if they were by themselves then yes