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Q: Can the taste of a cookie be an observation?
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Related questions

How does omitting sugar change the taste of a cookie?

The cookie will be bland.

Does cookie taste good?


How does omitting sugar affect the taste of chocolate chip cookies?

It changes the taste and texture of the cookie. Without Sugar the cookie is not sweet.

What is better chocolate chip cookie or the Oreo cookie?

Opinions will always vary, as there is no accounting for taste.

What changes the taste of a cookie?

use sugar and vinegar

Does making chocolate chip cookies with vanilla sugar affect the taste?

Yes, it does affect the taste of the cookie. With the sugar being a flavor of vanilla, it would make the cookie have a hint of vanilla taste to it. I would expect it to taste quite well, actually.

Does the amount of chocolate chips in a cookie affect how fast they bake?

it doesn't affect the cookie but it will taste better

What does salt do to a cookie?

it usually gives the cookie a sour taste so i would suggest not to put any salt on a cookie unless you really want to.

What can a observation be?

An observation can be anything you observe through your five senses: sight, smell, touch, hear and taste. Anything that you can describe would be considered an observation.

Does cheerios chocolate taste like cookie crisp?

Omnomnomnomnom.. no.

What makes a cookie good?

lots of choclate chips

What are the kinds of observation?

sight,touch, hearing, taste,smelling