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Absolutely not. A goldfish needs at least 20 gallons to properly live and survive, and grow to it's real potential.

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Q: Can two black moor goldfish livewith a mystery snail in a 2.5 gallon tank?
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Can small young veiltail goldfish and small young common goldfish and black moor live together in a common tank of 1 gallon?

No you schould not have that many fish in a one gallon tank. Thats the size of a big betta bowl. And because they are goldfish it is worse their poops are toxins

Can a Black moor goldfish live in a 20 gallon tank?

Yes, you can have one goldfish in a 20 gallon tank, but no other tank mates, not even a snail.You still need to make sure you have a filter, and that you do regular weekly water changes as goldfish produce a high amount of waste.

Is the male goldfish black?

No, only black goldfish are black.

Can black moor goldfish mate in 10 gallon tank?

A tiny little 10 gallon tank is no where near large enough to breed/spawn any kind of goldfish. It is not really large enough to house one goldfish properly.The base stocking rule in fish keeping is "1 inch of fish needs a MINIMUM of 1 gallon of water" Goldfish grow to at least 10 inches so the minimum size for one goldfish would be a (nominal) 13 gallon tank. (No one fills a tank to the brim) That would actually hold about 10 gallons.

What would you call a black goldfish?

I would name my black goldfish Fin

Can you Place a Black Moor Fish In a 5 Gallon Tank?

Well yes, you can but only if it is little,, because I have two a big one and a little one. The smaller one is in a five gallon tank but eventually they get big so they will need to be moved into a bigger tank, but if you have a small one then it should be fine for the time being.

Will a black moor goldfish get along with a clown loach?

No, this is because a goldfish and a clown loach are not compatible and should not be in the same tank. One clown loach needs a 75 gallon tank on it's own as they grow very large. In addition, a clown loach needs warmer water than a goldfish.

Do black Moore fish eat apples?

NO! Black Moors are goldfish they should be fed goldfish food.

What are some of the breeds of goldfish?

Some common breeds of goldfish are: the Black Moor goldfish, the Ryunkin goldfish, the comet goldfish, the common goldfish, the Calico Fantail goldfish, the telescope eye goldfish, the bubble eye goldfish, the pearl scale goldfish and the Oranda goldfish.

What is a black goldfish?

There is a popular bred of goldfish called a black moor. It has an egg shaped body, has protruding globe like eyes and is black in color.

Do black goldfish lose their black coloring with age?

Most goldfish which are purchased with black coloring, except black moors, will usually lose their black coloring at some point in their lives.

When fish get pregnant does a black spots?

Goldfish do not get pregnant. They are egg layers. Black spots on goldfish have nothing to do with their breeding condition.