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Well of course, verbal abuse always results in stress and stress causes many physical problems, heart attacks even. Also, NO ONE deserves any sort of abuse and having been in both types of realationships I would honestly say it is harder to deal, long term at least, with verbal (mental abuse) than physical because it starts to stick in your head even if you don't believe it, it has a way of leaving you with so many insecurities later. And anyone who can do that to someone they say they care for either doesn't have true feelings for that person or has alot of their own issues they should deal with before getting emotionally involved with anyone (at least in my opinion).

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Q: Can verbal abuse cause physical pain?
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What are the various classifications of abuse?

Verbal Abuse, Physical Abuse, and Emotional Abuse. Verbal Abuse: Using words to abuse someone. It's a form of profanity that can occur with or without expletives. Also includes abusive words in written form. Physical Abuse: abuse involving contact that is meant to cause intimidation, fear, and pain/injury to the victim. Emotional/Psychological Abuse: abuse characterized by a person subjecting or exposing another to behavior that is psychologically harmful. Such abuse is often associated with situations of power imbalance, such as abusive relationships, bullying, child abuse, and in the workplace. But do know there is no set definitions for each of these. They tend to change form all of the time.

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It depends... Is it yourself or someone else you are referring to? Physical abuse can be very apparent. Mental abuse on the other hand is harder to recognize. It's all in how it effects you personally. You can get into a verbal fight with someone and if there words effect you in such a manner where emotional pain or suffering occurs, without and real motive or backing behind it,it is definitely a sign of mental abuse.

How is physical pain and emotional pain similar?

Short Term---Physical Long Term--- Emotional

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If you are injured it might

What are the effects of emotional pain?

Traumatic experiences often involve a threat to life or safety. Emotional abuse is more psychologically harmful than physical abuse.

Are there any proven psychological causes of serious physical disease. I don't mean diseases of the brain that cause physical problems?

Physical pain and conditions have been shown to cause mental and psychological pain and disorders - long term physical hurts and issues can cause mental anguish.

What does physical abuse mean?

means you tend to threaten your child someone;beat or hurt your kid anyone in any physical mannerism;attitude;or out of pain.



Is curly hair a pain?

no.its make us beautiful As there are no nerves in hair it cannot cause physical pain.

How can physical therapy help me to get better with neck pain?

You are choosing physical therapy to get better, so it is evident for you to ask this question. As physical therapists, we conduct various diagnostic tests using different methods to find out the exact cause of the pain. Depending on the cause of the neck pain, we can use specific techniques and therapies to help you get better gradually.

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