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If you are a casual, sorry you can't because you voluntarily left the job aware of your financial circumstances, your employer has the power to drop your hours.

If you are permanent full time you can because you are supposed to do a set amount of hours a week, if you hired on with that understanding.

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13y ago

Yes you can. You need a supervisor signature most times but if you are full time and cut to part time temporarily or permanently, there are types to unemployment that you can file for. Each state is different but you can even file online now. Most employers do not want you doing this or knowing about it and in fact it could effect your job long term (not legally, but people are people) So if you can make ends meet without it, I would recommend that if you like your job.

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13y ago

Whether you can collect unemployment for reduced hours depends on which state you're in. For California, for example, if you are working less than your normal full week and are willing and able to work full time, then according to the Related Link below, you could collect partial unemployment. Check the web sites for your state to see if they have similar provisions.
It depends on the state and how much the hours are cut. Some states do allow partial unemployment if the hours are substantially cut and if the resultant wages are less than the unemployment benefit.

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13y ago

Yes, if your hours are decreased because of weather or natural disasters. If you work out doors and rain, snow, etc. caused you not to work that day, you may be eligible for partial benefits. Check with your state unemployment department.


If your hours are reduced below what your agreement was when you were hired, you may also be eligible.

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14y ago

Yes. Virginia, like most states, has a provision for workers who had a large reduction in normal working hours where the worker can receive partial unemployment benefits. Weekly reports must be filed with the unemployment office. For more information, see the FAQ's in the Related Link below (in Virginia's case).

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14y ago

Depends on the state. In Washington state:

Q. Can I collect unemployment benefits if I work part-time?

A. If you work part-time, we reduce your benefits using the earnings deduction chart (gross earnings minus $5 times 75 percent).

You must still meet the job-search requirements while working part-time.

If you did not work more than 17 hours in any week in your base period, you may need to look for only part-time work. Working part-time usually extends the number of weeks you can draw benefits. Additional earnings also may help you qualify for a new claim when your benefit year ends.

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It depends on the state, but you may be able to collect partial benefits.

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How do I go about filing for the state of Alabama if my hours have been cut

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Q: Can you collect unemployment benefits if your job was reduced to part time?
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Can you collect unemployment if you are demoted to part time due to poor performance?

Yes, it is possible. When your income is reduced from what your hiring was agreed to, you can be eligible for partial unemployment benefits. What needs to be determined by the state is whether the reason for the demotion disqualifies you.

Can a person collect unemployment benefits in New Jersey while doing part time work as a coach?

Yes, you can collect unemployment benefits while doing part time work. See "Reporting Part Time Wages" in the Related Link below for more details.

Can you collect unemployment and work in the state of ill?

Yes. In the Related link below, page 5, "Are You Eligible for Benefits"; "Disqualifications"; 1) there are 9 reasons under which you can quit your job and still collect benefits.

Can you collect unemployment in Indiana if your hours are cut?

Yes, you may collect unemployment in Illinois if you find a part time job after being laid off, IF your pay is less than the benefits you receive, and you MUST report any income you receive in each week's period. See the Related Link below for more information.

Can you still collect unemployment if you have a part time job working 8 hrs in Washington?

Yes, you can collect if you are working part-time, with qualifications. The benefits are reduced by a percentage, you have to be seeking employment, but your benefit period may be extended based on what you received in unemployment. See the Related Link below for more information.

Can i file a unemployment claim if i only worked part-time?

You can file an unemployment claim if you only worked part-time only if you meet the job-searching requirements of your area.

Can you collect unemployment if you work 30 hours a week?

Your benefits will be impacted more by how much you earn than by how many hours you work. I would guess, even at minimum wage, you would not be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits while working 30 hours per week.

Can you collect unemployment if you quit your job because your hours were reduced from full time to part time and your benefits were discontinued?

In most states you would be able to because the working conditions/hours were altered through no fault of you, and therefore justifiable and with good cause.

Can you work as a consultant and still receive unemployment benefits in Florida?

It's not a matter of whether you work as a consultant but whether you meet all the tests for eligibility of unemployment benefits. Part time work may be permissible, depending on earnings versus benefits, etc.

Do employers pay into your unemployment benefits if you are part-time?

Your benefits will be reduced, but by how much depends on the state you work in.

Can you still collect unemployment benefits in Tennessee if you work part time?

Apparently, in Tennessee, if you are partially unemployed (part-time employed??) you are not disqualified for filing for unemployment. To be on the safe side, refer to the Related Link below for more information.

If you collect unemployment from Connecticut but live in Arizona and just landed a part time job will your unemployment rates change from Connecticut to Arizona?

No. You are still operating under the Connecticut unemployment benefits and your part time job needs to be reported to Connecticut and they will adjust or otherwise inform you on what to do next.