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Q: Can you eat a spaghetti squash that was accidentally frozen?
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Can ducks eat squash?

Ducks can eat squash as long as there is no additives. They will eat the squash boiled, frozen, or regular.

What part of a spaghetti squash do you eat what does it look like?

You eat the fruit without the skin

Can you eat squash that has been frozen?

Yes. Frozen vegetables are common, it increases their shelf life.

Can Diabetics eat spaghetti squash?

Absolutely. Squash, and all vegetables for that matter, are great sources of vitamins and nutrients for everyone. As a diabetic, you just want to understand the amount of carbohydrates each food item has. In the case of spaghetti squash, they tend to have about 4 grams of carbs per 1/2 cup of cooked squash - which is quite low.

How long can you keep frozen cooked squash?

Well I know it is okay to freeze it in the summer and eat on it until you have fresh squash next summer. Both me and my grandma use that method with fresh squash from our gardens.

Can you eat spaghetti that is 2-3 days old?

Yes Yes, so long as it has been refrigerated or frozen for that time. If it sat out on the counter, then no don't eat it. Spaghetti is better as a leftover in my opinion.

If spaghetti sauce is expired and darker can you eat it?

Not if it's been sitting in fridge (and not frozen). It'll probably have mold on it. A good rule of thumb is to never eat anything past expiration date, unless it was frozen prior to that date.

Can you list all the vegetables bearded dragons can eat?

Not all, but some. Here is a list of some beardie-safe fruits and vegetables: Collard Greens Dandelion Greens Endive Escarole Mustard Greens Turnip Greens Acorn Squash Butternut Squash Hubbard Squash Green Beans Peas Parsnips Turnips Scallop Squash Spaghetti Squash Summer Squash Sweet potato Figs Mango Papaya Raspberries Cactus Pad/Leaf

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Can diabetics eat spaghetti bolognase?

you can eat spaghetti bolagnase aslong as you give yourself insolin afterwords!

Do people eat spaghetti if they belong to the flying spaghetti monster religion?

Yes, during Pastover Pastafarians from across the world eat large quantities of spaghetti.