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Q: Can you eat pesto it it has been left out when it should be refrigerated?
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Can ketchup be left overnight unrefridgerated after its been opened?

Once ketchup is opened, it should be refrigerated. if the cap is closed it doesnt have to be refrigerated

What if you thoroughly reheat food left out all night?

If food that should have been refrigerated was left out at room temperature overnight, it should be discarded.

Is pizza left out on counter over night still good?

No. The leftovers should have been refrigerated.

Do you have to refrigerate cream cheese after opening?

Yes. It really should have been refrigerated before opening, too.

How long can Cheesecake be left out before is needs to be refrigerated?

It really should be refrigerated at all times because it could spoil,it should not be left out for more than 2 hours.

Can you eat broiled scallops were left 15 hours in a hot car?

You should never eat seafood that has not been properly refrigerated after cooking.

Is it safe to eat cooked meatloaf that has been left out over night covered?

It is not safe for a person to eat meatloaf that has been left out on the counter for 2 hours. The meatloaf should be refrigerated and consumed or frozen after it has been cooked.

Can you eat smoked baked ham unrefrigerated over night?

Not a good idea. Unless the manufacturer's instructions say it can be left unrefrigerated, it should have been refrigerated.

Is juice still good if left out after refrigerated?

If they are fresh-squeezed or are labeled 'keep refrigerated', then they should be refrigerated. For juices that have been refrigerated that are not required to be refrigerated, as long as the seals remain intact they could be removed from the cooler for storage elsewhere.

Is it safe to eat cooked seafood after it has been left out overnight?

No. Shrimp that has been left out overnight is not OK to eat.

Can cooked corn beef be left out all night?

No it should be refrigerated to keep bacteria away.

Is it safe to eat hot dogs that have been steamed then refrigerated then steamed again?

As long as they hadn't been left out on the counter for more than 2 hours at any point in time before or after being steamed or refrigerated.