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yes, just remember that if you lose fat, but gain muscle, you can actually gain weight because muscle weighs more than fat. But people that have more muscle also have faster metabolisms, which allows you to burn off more calories, therefore decreasing the amount of fat that the body stores, allowing you to shed those unwanted pounds of fat.

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Q: Can you gain back 10 pounds in muscle if your trying to lose weight?
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When you starve yourself, you body goes into survival mode and slows down your metabolism. You might lose some weight but not fat weight - just water weight and muscle. Your muscle burns calories so you do not want to lose muscle. The best way to looe weight long term and in a maintainable way is to cut back on junk food and eat in moderation and do cardio exercise.

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Exercise Is Key For Fast, Healthy Diets?

Time is always a factor for those trying fast weight loss diets. The problem with many fast weight loss diets is that they can largely burn off water or muscle. The pounds that should be burned consist of fat. Any fast weight loss diets should always be combined with at least 30 minutes a day of healthy exercise to ensure the pounds that are lost are coming from fat, not muscle. Lowering the numbers on the scale might feel nice, but getting 30 minutes of daily exercise will help achieve the actual goal of getting that figure back in shape.

How do you lose weight and not muscle?

Continue to work out while cutting back on calories.

Is losing 14 pounds in just 23 days bad for your health?

Generally, no. But everyone is different. If you have a heart problem, for example, or other medical problems (even ones you don't know about) losing weight that quickly can complicate them. While losing that much weight in a short amount of time seems wonderful, also remember that usually with that rapid of a weight loss, you are losing water and muscle, not fat. When you gain it back, however, you're usually replacing that loss muscle with even more fat. If you've already lost the weight and want to maintain it, look into weight training. It will get your muscle mass back up again. An increase in muscle mass burns fat.

What is a healthy amount of weight to lose in a month?

Average weight lossshould be limited to no more than 2 pounds in a week. This type of weight loss helps target getting rid of the extra fat. When we lose faster than this by incorporating habits such as starving/skipping meals, the weight loss can include losing muscle and water. When we stop the diet, muscle and water come right back making efforts a waste of time. To answer the question, in one month -- 8 pounds is a good target.Don't eat much

What is the average weight and height of a high school freshman football player?

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What does a healthy weight loss diet look like?

Healthy weight loss is considered 1-2 pounds per week. This is the loss of real fat, not water and muscle mass, which is what "10 pounds in 10 days" is. If you lose ten pounds in ten days, you will gain it all back in about three days. Weight loss is about burning more calories than are taken in. It's simple math. No magic, no tricks. Go to

What is a torn bicep muscle?

A torn bicep muscle can usually occur when your bicep muscle is fully extended and under too much pressure. Weight lifters often get a torn bicep muscle when doing the preacher curl. The preacher curl can really strain the bicep muscle, and lead to a torn bicep muscle if you are lifting to much weight or have not warmed up correctly. Your bicep is a muscle on your arm. it is the muscle that you usually flex when trying to show off your srength. Most torn bicep muscle injuries occur when the arm is fully extended and the lifter is just about to pull the weight back up. When you get a torn bicep muscle you will feel an immediate sharp pain in your bicep near your elbow, followed by bicep muscle weakness and stiffness and eventaully bruising.

How do you lose 20 pounds fast and stay skinny the healthy way?

To safely lose weight and keep it off, combine a balanced diet with plenty of exercise. Following the USDA food pyramid is the best and safest way. If you lose the weight quickly, it is hard on your organs, and most people will gain the weight back. When you lose weight without exercising, you lose muscle. When you gain the weight back, you gain fat. Be sure and consult your doctor.

What is the best and fastest way for an underweight guy to gain muscle weight?

You gain muscle weight by lifting as much weight as possible with a muscle three times in a row. You keep it up until you get up to 10 times. They you take a day off. As soon as you get up to 10 times, you add more weight and go back to 6 times. You do that for every muscle in your body.