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yes i always get a big fat pimple on my face after a lot of pop and donuts and might i add flaming hot cheetos

If you eat oily foods then yes. Acne is caused by a oil. If you get it on your face keep hair away from it.

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No, but things like stress can

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Q: Can you get acne from eating chocolate and greasy food?
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Does avoiding consumption of certain foods alleviate acne breakouts?

Many greasy foods increase acne and so can chocolate. Definitely stay away from pizza, burgers, hot dogs, and all fast food. There is not necessarily a non-acne diet though.

Does eating greasy food prevent pimples?

um no.

How do you develop good nutrition?

Eating healthy! NO fast food. Greasy food can also cause acne. Eat things like fiber, apples, iron... Ect. Also go on a 15 minute walk a day. That will really help

Eating chocolate causes acne?

chocolate does not give you pimples, its hormonal. normally when your stressed you eat chocolate and that's how you get pimples. hormones and stress give you pimples, NOT CHOCOLATE.

Do spicy foods cause acne?

it a;ll depends on the person. but usually no spicy food does not cause acne. but tom likes to take franks red hot sauce on his dick and have tim lick it off but the sauce gives tom pimples on his dick

What foods cause pimples?

Well, if you eat a lot of chocolate (supposedly), that usually causes your acne problems. People also say that milk does too.Many professionals have went back and forth on this topic as to whether food-caused acne is a myth. Many say that "you are what you eat." Eating foods containing a lot of fat and oils will effect your skin and your body inside and out. Always remember to eat those types of foods sparingly.

Is there such a thing as an acne diet?

This is another area where there is lots of confusion. Most people think if you eat reduce greasy food it will reduce acne but that has not been proven to be so. You should check with the doctor for his recommendation on this.

Why do peanuts causes acne?

In most cases peanuts do not cause acne. This is because researchers have concluded there is no proper diagnosis for acne. There are several factors that contribute to it. Certain types of food intake like eating too much junk food, eating oily food and reducing the number of watery vegetable and fruits weakens your skin cells and damages them which opens your skin to acne vulnerability.

Do blueberries cause acne?

No...usually fruits are very healthy and good for your skin its the greasy food you have to worry about. It doesnt necesarely cause acne it just makes a big difference to how you feel or how your skin looks visibly unheathier. But no bluberries dont cause acne

Is there allergies of greasy food?

no, but there can be an allergy to A greasy food.

Is french fry oil bad for you face?

Greasy food has nothing to do with acne. Its all your bodys no eat as much fries as u want...

What is the religious term for chocolate?

There is no religious term for chocolate. Chocolate is food and food generally doesn't have religion connected to it except for rules about eating it by some religions.