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A phantom pregnancy is caused by psychological problems, a woman is so convinced she is pregnant she develops all or most of the symptoms of a true pregnancy. In part the physical changes are caused by hormonal changes. The hormonal changes are not so easily understood. Women with phantom pregnancy are absolutely convinced that they are pregnant. Even a negative pregnancy test and a negative ultrasound scan are not sufficient to shake their belief.

Phantom pregnancy is not at all common. True phantom pregnancy is thought to have a deep psychological basis, strong enough to bring about the hormonal changes which cause the display of the physical features such as absence of periods, breast engorgement and abdominal swelling which is merely gaseous distension of the bowel. A woman having a phantom pregnancy will even feel the nonexistent baby moving. A woman does not have to be fertile or even sexually active to suffer from a phantom pregnancy.

Women having a phantom pregnancy need a knowledgeable psychotherapist, who is able to work with her and bring her back into reality gently, as the she would be extremely fragile, emotionally.

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Q: Can you have a phantom pregnancy while your tubes are tied and how would I know its not real?
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Do pregnancy test work if your tubes are tied?

It is very rare to get pregnant after having the tubes tied, but if you would succeed a pregnancy test would react the same way as always.

What would the pregnancy test say if you are pregnant and your tubes are tired?

False positive

Would a phantom pregnancy be happaning because im thinking about it to much?

YEs. The more you want to be pregnant the more you will make yourself believE that your pre-menstrual symptoms are pregnancy . It is not really phantom pregnancy since with the phantom pregnancy you will start growing a bump,etc.... but similar... My advice is: do not believe that you are pregnant unless it has been confirmed with a (or more) potive pregnancy tests!!!! However if you are planning a pregnancy eat healthy and avoid alcohol,caffeine,etc.... All the best!

How can you tell if you are pregnant when your tubes are tied?

The same way you would tell if they weren't: with a pregnancy test.

Can a pregnancy test detect a pregnancy in the tubs?

Im guessing you meant tubes. Sometimes a tubular pregnancy can bet detected through a home pregnancy test. But due to the possibility of lower levels of hormone with ectopic pregnancy it is possible to have a home test show that you are not pregnant while you have an EP. So if you are concerned you may have that issue i would contact your dr or go to the ER

What are pregnancy symptoms if your tubes are tied?

If tubes were tied correctly, you shouldn't get pregnant at all. That's the point of getting them tied. If something went wrong and you still got pregnant, then symptoms would be the same as any other pregnancy.

Lower abdomen pain and sick to my stomach but your tubes are tied?

You can still get pregnant although your tubes are tied. I would go to the store, get a pregnancy test to make sure.

Rubin test is used to test?

A rubin test is designed to detect obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which would prevent pregnancy.. hope that helps...

How do you get pregnant with the tubal clamp?

1. You don't 2. IVFIt is possible that there would be a leak in one of your tubes, or that one of your tubes repaired itself. 3. When instead of the tubes, round ligament gets ligated there could be pregnancy. This mistake is not unknown.

How soon do you know you are pregnant in your tubes?

Pretty soon; an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy is very painful, and you would need to go to the doctor as soon as possible; an ectopic pregnancy can cause damage or even death.

Can you tell if your pregnant in your tubes if it only two weeks?

If you are having a tubal aka eptopic pregnancy you can find out at 2 weeks bc your egg emplanted in your tubes and not your uterus which would have taken it another 2 weeks to travel there.

What are your chances of becoming pregnant if you got your tubes tied 3 years ago?

its not commen but women have been known to get pregnant in there tubes. this is called a tuble pregnancy.if you do get pregnant in your tubes you would have to go to the hospital and they will have to untie the tubes and inplant the baby in the uterus. if you don't get help and get the baby moved into the uterus the baby will continue to stay in the tubes and die while there and you will end up miscarring and have surgery to remove. in some cases the mother dies from excess blood loss from tuble pregnancy if the matter is not taken care of quickly.