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Yes, you most certainly can have an allergic reaction to yeast. Moreover, you may find (like me) that you react to both brewer's yeast and baker's yeast and all products containing yeast.

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Yes, you can!!

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Q: Can you have an allergic reaction to yeast?
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Allergents are antigens that cause an allergic reaction

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depends on if you are allergic to yeast... regularly dairys contain yeast

What must happen for an allergic reaction to occur?

To get an allergic reaction you must be allergic to this food. If it enters the mouth,eyes, nose or any place that has an opening you will get the reaction.

Can you get allergic reaction after a month?

No, an allergic reaction will occur within 24 hours of exposure.

How do you stop an allergic reaction to nuts?

youi can only stop allergic reaction with an epipen

Can you develop and allergic reaction to birth control pills?

I suspect that anyone can develop a allergic reaction to any medication depending upon what the medication contains and what they are allergic to. If you suspect you have had a allergic reaction, see your Doctor.

Can you be allergic to smells?

No, but you can get an allergic reaction from breathing in/smelling something you are allergic to.