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This is going to sound gross but, gently massaging the kittens bum with a warm q tip would help.

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Q: Can you help an orphaned kitten poop?
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What can you do to help a newborn kitten from bleeding poop?

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How soon after a kitten eats will it poop?

After eating, a kitten will poop after about half an hour.

Can you feed your orphaned kitten human soy baby formula?

You can go to a pet store and get some infant kitten formula or you can go to a vet and ask what is ok for a kitten to drink

Can just born puppy formula be used for baby orphaned rats or mice?

newborn kitten formula is safer.

What does kitten poop look like?

round, long,mushy and brown

How do you open a orphaned kitten's eyes?

It is not a very good idea to open a kitten's eyes. It could damage a kitten's growth. Keep in mind that a kitten's eyes are fully open in four weeks. So, I suggest seeing a vet if the eyes are not developing and not opening after a long period of time.

Why does an orphaned kitten suckle humans?

Because it has the nursing instinct, just like a human baby will suck on anything that goes near its mouth.

Why does your 6mth old kitten have smelly poop after being spayed?

If its in the form of diarrhea, its caused by stress.

How many times does a 1 and an half kitten poop a day?

don't cut your cats in half

Can little kittens poop on your brother jordan?

Jordan has a rather intriguing fetish for kitten fecal matter, so yes, but you may not see your kitten for the rest of your life.

What can help a kitten with upper respiratory infection?

The kitten must be taken to a vet for treatment.

How do you care for 3 week old orphaned kitten?

You. Must get mothers kitten milk and bottle ,feed them every 4 hrs take a warm wash cloth wet rub litly on there peepe so they can go to the restroom after feedings give them lots of love