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It is not wise to attempt to keep amphibians with fish. They need totally different conditions. A Turtle needs a set up with both wet and dry (basking) areas this is called a vivarium and the animal can choose whether it wants to be dry or wet. Amphibians also Poo and Piddle. This poisons the water so that fish can not survive in it. Fish need an aquarium where the whole thing is filled with water. The basic rules for keeping fish successfully are :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week.. If you follow the above rules your fish will stand a chance of surviving and being healthy. If you fail in any of them I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick.

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Do you mean for them to live together or for the turtle to have food? Depending on the size of your RES, it will most likely think you a great pet owner for providing food. However our 5+ yr old RES has a single fish that is the size of a guppy that she has not eatten. Its been in her tank for about 2 months. She however eats every other small fish provided.

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Q: Can you keep cichlid fish with red eared slider turtle?
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What fish can you feed your red eared slider?

Your turtle can eat feeder fish.

Can a sucker fish live with red eared slider if the turtle is 6 years old?

Its really a gamble to put any fish with a red eared slider , it depends how big the sucker fish is if it is small the turtle with probably eat it , you are supposed to let them grow up together i have a sucker fish with my red eared slider but they are baby's so they have not bothered it.

What kind of fish won't a red eared slider eat?

red eared slider turtle do not eat sharks. despite there ability to practically devour anything the sharks are to big to attempt to attack it. hence turtles do not try to attack them and red eared slider turtles don't eat them. :)

Is it safe for your Red eared slider to eat goldfish?

As long as the fish is inspected and found to be free of disease, yes. If you can get the python to eat it!

Can you put a red tailed shark in the tank with a red eared slider turtle?

I wouldn't recommend it - since the RES will view the fish as food !

What do red-eared slider eat?

feeder fish worms waxworms feeder worms crickets shrimp turtle pellets mice

Do red eared slider turtle eat fish?

Yes... all red ear slider turtles eat fish. The main factor is size. If your fish is bigger than your turtle... there's nothing to worry. But.. if your turtle is quite bigger than your fishes... be assured they are all going to end up their life being turtle poops... :P

What to feed a 4-5 year old red eared slider?

feed it turtle food but make sure the food is big.feed it lettuce and krill.also earthworms and fresh fish.

Is a red eared slider turtle a carnivore?

A Red eared slider turtle is an omnivore. They tend to stick to a more carnivore diet as a baby, and grow into being more herbivorous as they age. You can buy turtle pellet food from a local pet store to feed them as a base diet but you should also feed them a variety of different food such as: earthworms, crickets, feeder fish (they can work, though they can also carry diseases), etc.

Can a red eared slider eat grasshoppers?

Yes, a person can feed their red eared slider turtle hoho grubs. However, it is not a major part of their diet.

What are predators of the red eared slider turtle?

Painted turtles are enormously vulnerable to a wide variety of predators. Nest predators include raccoons, foxes and skunks. Painted Turtles have many predators which include raccoons, foxes, skunks, gulls, crows, ravens, herons, weasels and snapping turtles.

Do all red-ear slider turtles eat fish?

Yes. The most common fish a Red Eared Slider will eat is Commet Goldfish. Red eared sliders will eat fish, but fish are full of worms and parasites which will contaminate your filter. For an indoor slider I suggest only pellets and veggies. Plus they eat parts of the fish and the rest you would have to clean out right away. My slider loves just his pellets, he snubs romaine lettuce and any other veggie I have tried. Ice berg lettuce is not good for sliders either. I have a 4 year old slider that is 5 inches long he is in a 40 gallon tank alone.