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Is their name on a lease or deed? If yes, then you have to evict. If not, you are the "king of the castle" and can determine who stays and goes. The police WILL enforce it. I've had a few tenants whose druggie kids moved back in temporarily and then refused to leave and the cops WILL get them out and tell them to make arrangements to get their "stuff" later.

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Q: Can you legally kick your 21 year old child out of the house in Ohio or do you have to evict him?
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Not at age 17, in Ohio they can only do so if the parents give their permission to do so. Otherwise they will have to wait until they turn 18.

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17 years old legally. What exactly does being "emancipated" mean in the state of Ohio?

In Ohio can you make a child age 16 legally responsible for herself?

Only through emancipation

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No, the emancipation status does not exist in Ohio

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Being 17 is still considered a minor in Ohio. They have to be 18 to more out legally.

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Legally you are not an adult until you turn 18, regardless of how many kids of your own you have. Makes it pretty difficult to get a place to live. But you can get help with the kids even as a minor.

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In Ohio, signing a quick claim deed to land and a house when your name is on the loan will still make you legally responsible for the loan.

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No, they are no longer legally responsible. Once a child reaches the age of majority, they can be left on their own. There may be a court order that establishes some additional responsibilities in the form of child support.

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Yes, major assets such as a car or a house can be seized in order to pay child support.

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If you have legally moved to Ohio, you can take your Illinois licence and get an Ohio license.

Can you move out of parent house if 18 high school senior and legally blind in Ohio?

Yes, you are an adult and emancipated by 18. Being blind does not change that.

Can a 17 year old legally move out of her parents house in Ohio?

If she has her parent's permission, yes. Otherwise she needs to wait until she turns 18.