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Yes, but it's not as though you'd be gaining or losing that much body mass. Your weight will naturally fluctuate throughout the day. If you were, for instance, to chug 1.5 liters of water (1.5 kg of fluid), guess what, you'd weigh 1.5 kg more (3.3 pounds), at least temporarily. Also remember that the accuracy of common bathroom scales isn't that great. You could weigh yourself twice in the same minute and get slightly different readings- your mass hasn't changed, it's just the scale's precision spitting out a different number.

Instead of worrying about small daily changes to your weight, simply take what your scale says with a grain of salt. What you should take note of is continued change in weight over time. If you weigh yourself one month and find yourself, say, 10 pounds heavier or lighter the next, you probably should take that as an indication that your body mass has indeed changed.

Everyone's weight fluctuates slightly over time, but making sure that your weight doesn't trend too far from your ideal weight by regular weighings is probably a smart idea.

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Q: Can you lose weight or gain weight as much as 3 lbs or 3 lbs less in one day?
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How much do you weigh now? Are you trying to gain or lose? How tall are you?

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