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It happens automatically. All you need is a crying, hungry baby and a pair of breasts. In some parts of the world babies are routinely swapped between mums, aunts, grandmas and neighbours. Breastfeeding has been called a confidence trick. It is. If you have confidence you can do it, then you will. In the same way, various animals will cheerfully suckle other animals: once the baby's latched onto a nipple, they're happy and so is mum, even if she isn't their mum. I've put animals to a lactating female with no problems at all, and seen any number of women - including those who've never given birth - take on an infant when it's become necessary. If your question involves a sexual relationship with an adult, this is a little more difficult, because there are hormonal reactions which need to be triggered. Give it a try, by all means, but if it doesn't work, find an understanding doctor and sort it out that way.

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15y ago


The hypothalamus releases prolactin releasing hormone (PRHs) which stimulates prolactin release and prolactin release inhibitory hormone (PRIH) which predominates except during pregnancy and lactation. This PRIH is actually dopamine.

Therefore, if you give dopamine agonist, you will lower lactaion and prolactin production. This is a very unique pathway where you have an influence of the hypothalamus that is primarily negative, so most of the time the hypothalamus is releasing dopamine that prevents the lactotrophs in the anterior pituitary from releasing prolaction. During pregnancy and nursing, you have higher levels of prolactin secretion, prolactin releasing hormones, and less dopamine production.

The drugs used to increase prolactin secretion are dopamine antagonists such as opiates, barbituates, and antipsychotics. They decrease the inhibitory influence and allow more PRH to stimulate prolactin production, thus increasing prolactin production and lactation.

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13y ago

The biggest means to increase lactation will be found by increasing the amount of nipple/breast stimulation. If your child does not have the Patience to give the additional suckling needed to help then you will have to either use a breast pump or talk your husband into providing the needed stimulation. Of course another important factor is the nutrition you are taking in. Lots of vegetables. Lots of fruits. Lots of fluids. And no, that's not alcoholic fluids. Drink lots of water. There are various other supplements that can be taken, but these are secondary to good nipple stimulation and a proper diet. The other thing you don't want to overlook is to talk with a qualified lactation consultant. She can offer additional tips to help with you milk production. Most of all never forget that you are doing the very best thing for your child by breastfeeding. Without doubt, breast is best. Good luck and good lactation.

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If you start to pump will you produce breast milk if you are not pregnant?

It will take weeks, most likely, to get a decent flow of milk, but yes, you will produce breast milk if you're not pregnant and pump. Even men can produce breast milk if they pump. Read the instructions that come with it.

Can birth control pils cause your breast to milk?

No, birth-control will not make you produce milk. The only time you will preduce milk is if you are pregnant. CONGRATULATIONS =D

Jeg err ikke?

Yes, Enrique Iglesias is known for having lots of chest muscle but can produce breast milk. His breast milk is actually Spanish milk. It is hard for him to produce milk because of his breast size and the nipple is folded under his chest

Can a man's breast produce milk?

Yes. Male breasts have milk ducts.

Can you produce breast milk if you never been pregnant?


How do i make more breast milk?

If you are not producing enough milk for your baby, you need to consult with your doctor about supplementing with formula. Some women simply do not produce high volumes of milk.

Does a virgin have breast milk?

You have to be pregnant to have Breast Milk. Although your body can produce it while your a virgin. It won't come out until you are pregnant.

Will Fenugreek help you to produce breast milk even if you are not pregnant?

No. Breast milk is only produced by hormones in the body after a baby is born.

Where does breast milk come from before the ducts?

Only mammals make milk, hence the designation mammal, as in mamillary. Avians such as ducks don't produce milk hence there is not milk before ducks.

Is it possible to mass produce breast milk like we do cow or goats milk.?

No. Female humans do not have the capacity to produce that much milk. Humans are not cows.