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Q: Can you mix raw chicken and lamb together?
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Does a ferret eat cooked or non cooked meat?

Ferrets should be given raw meat. Meats such as lamb, beef, rabbit, chicken etc. They can also be given raw chicken or duck eggs which are a great source of protein,

Why do some meats go 'off' quickly and cannot be eaten raw chicken pork whilst others taste better when 'aged' and can be eaten raw or nearly raw beef lamb?

salmonella and E-coli

Is there a such thing as raw chicken?

Yes, after the chicken is killed and before it is cooked, it is raw chicken.

Can you catch a bullhead with raw chicken?

Yes, raw chicken pieces work. But I find that raw chicken livers work best.

Can you cook raw shrimp and raw chicken together?

That would not be a good idea. If you start the chicken first and get it almost completely cooked and then add the shrimp, you would be okay. If you start them at the same time, the shrimp will be terrible overdone and rubbery. If you pull the shrimp out as soon as it is done, it will be contaminated by the still raw chicken.

Can you store raw ground chicken and beef in the same container?

You can never store cooked meat or anything else with raw meat which may carry bacteria. Keep the raw meat in a separate container; food borne bacteria can cause agonizing cramps and a variety of other unpleasant side effects.

What can you buy in a deli?

People usually purchase meat from the deli. This can include cold cuts such as ham or turkey as well as raw meat such as beef, lamb, pork, or chicken.

Can raw chicken and leftover cooked chicken be combined when the purpose is making a soup?

No Cook the raw chicken then wack the already cooked chicken in with it :)

Does raw chicken contaminate glass container?

Yes, raw chicken can contaminate anything it touches.

Is it safe to eat raw chicken pecked by birds?

No. It is unsafe to eat raw chicken, period.

How do you figure how much your cooked chicken weighed raw?

A cooked chicken consists of little bit of oil so it weighs same as raw chicken. If you can know the weight of cooked chicken you can subtract 50gms and estimate the raw chicken weight to be the same

If you add raw chicken to the same pan as your half-fried chicken will the fried chicken get germs from the raw ones?

yes it would , but if you are going to keep cooking , then the germs on both raw and half-fried chicken will die.