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I should imagine so, but it is advisable to get a veterinarian to neuter the cat.

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Q: Can you neuter and declaw a kitten at one time?
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This is the first time your cat had her kitten and she only had one?

I dont quite know what you are asking but it is unusual for a cat to just have one kitten, however its not uncommon

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Yes actually it can. I did it one time and the kitten became the most docile grateful animal ever

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The noun 'one' is a neuter noun, a word for something that has no gender. There is no opposite for neuter.

How do you say cat or kitten in Dutch?

Cat = kat, or if it is a female one: Poes Kitten = kitten

How do you protect your keyboard from an active kitten?

One way is to play with the kitten till its tired out, or just accept that your kitten is inquisitive and wants to spend time with you! Kittens quickly learn that parading over the keyboard when you are in front of it will get your immediate attention.

How do you get a hell-kitten on RuneScape?

To get a hell-kitten you must have started to free Evil Dave in the quest "Recipe for Disaster". After having your kitten catch 7-10 hell-rats in Evil Daves Basement it will turn into a hell-kitten. *note that you can only have one "hellish" cat a time.

Where would one purchase a Bengal kitten?

One can purchase a Bengal kitten on the internet and especially bengalspot. However, one can also find a Bengal kitten in Charleston in West Virginia.

Can a male cat and a new male kitten be friendly and live together?

It is not 100% sure but since the one them is young they might get along , but also when he grows up they might start fighting. it also depends on their breed. If you neuter both of them, they may get a long a lot better.

What is the difference from a kitten and a cat?

A kitten is a baby cat (under one year old), but is called a kitten. A cat is an adult cat, over one year in age.

The word for one in German?

Ordinal number:einsnoun:einen (male)eine (female)eins (neuter)adjective:ein (male, neuter)eine (female)pronoun:man

Where could one watch funny cat or kitten videos?

Funny animal videos, specifically cat and kitten videos, can be found all throughout YouTube. Several search websites are likely to feature these kinds of videos on their homepages from time to time.

Will kittens open their eyes one at a time?

It depends on the kitten. Sometimes both will open. Sometimes one, then the other within a few days.