

Can you put any fish in with a Siamese Fighting Fish?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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18y ago

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No you cant. They will eat the other fish. i could have the wrong fish here but if you're talking about a beta fish, they get along fine with anything that does not have large finns, i have had several in large tanks with a wide variety of other fish and everybody does well.

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Q: Can you put any fish in with a Siamese Fighting Fish?
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What is a predator to a Siamese fighting fish?

Any fish-eating fish large enough to eat one is a predator.

What is the difference between a betta fish and a Siamese fighting fish?

Betta fish can refer to any member of the genus Betta, which has numerous species, all native to swamps of Southeast Asia. The Siamese fighting fish is only one specific species, B. splendens.

Do Siamese fighting fish jump?

Siamese fighting fish do sleep. They are the same as all fish. When fish sleep they don't close their eyes because they don't need eye lids to protect their eyes, instead they just rest on the bottom of the aquarium with their eyes open.

What do Siamese tiger fish eat?

The Siamese Fighting Fish will eat any tropical fish food: flakes, pellets, live white worms, fresh water shrimps, etc. The males must be kept apart (different tanks and unable to see each other) otherwise, they will fight.

Do male Japanese fighting fish have babies on their own?

No they can not. Some people call a Betta splendens a Betta or a Siamese fighter or a Japanese Fighting Fish. They are all refering to the same species of fish. They come in both males and females and both are needed to produce any young.

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Guppies are a gregarious tropical freshwater fish. The can safely co-exist in multiples. The male Siamese fighting fish however will kill any other makes it meets.

Can Siamese fighting fish live in cold water?

These are tropical fish that like their water warm. Betta are best kept at 26 to 28 degrees Celsius.

What do ocean Siamese fighting fish eat?

Siamese fighting fish prefer water temperatures of 24-30 degrees Celsius, or 75-86 degrees Fahrenheit.80 degrees or so, they are tropical and live in rice patties through out Asia. They should have a heater in tank and not be kept in tiny glass bowl at least a 5gallon tank would be best with at least 3 femal bettas

Will Siamese fighting fish fight each other?

Male Bettas are commonly called "Siamese fighting fish" because they have evolved in the wild to drive any other male of their species away from their territory. If two are placed in the same container and neither one can get away, there will obviously be a fight. The practice of doing this is very illegal in some countries. Yes. hence the name

Are there any Japanese warrior fish that can be with other fish?

The 'Japanese fighting fish' is another name for the fish correctly named Betta splendens. They only fight with others of the same species. That means you can keep most fish species that enjoy similar environmental conditions with them.

What Can kill a betta fish other than a betta fish?

Well, if you love your Betta fish, then it should live by itself. But if you add another Betta to your current Betta fish's tank, then they will start a fight because Betta Fish are Siamese fighting fish and if one Betta is in contact of another Betta, the possible reason would be a fight between them two.

Are there any Japanese fighting fish that you can keep with other cold water fish?

no. they are tropical fish.