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No , it cannot spot reduce spots the best way to spot reduce is eat healthy cut down on fizzy drinks and sweets and stay healthy , if you sweat when doing a workout the sweat wil actually cause the spots .

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Q: Can you spot reduce and lose fat in your abs by doing ab curls?
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Can you spot reduce and lose fat in the abdominal region by doing abdominal curls?


Can you spot reduce fat?

no, not by diet and exercise. only surgery spot reduces fat. Through diet and exercise you can reduce fat, but your body and your body alone will determine where and when to reduce it. i.e. dieting and only doing sit-ups will not cause you to lose fat primarily around your abs

How do you lose fat in the hip area?

just do cardio you cannot spot-reduce fat

Does it help to lose stomach fat by doing crunches?

No, you will tone that specific area but you can not 'spot' lose weight by simly doing cruches. By doing crunches you may lose weight from any part of your body.

How do you lose weight in specific parts of the body?

You can't spot reduce. You can only reduce your total body fat through diet and exercise.

What is the fastest way to lose weight from you breast?

plastic surgery. there is NO way to "spot-reduce" fat through diet and/or exercise. if you lose weight, you lose it all over.

How can you reduce the size of your bottom?

You can't spot reduce. If you eat less and exercise more and take general steps to lose weight your bottom will get smaller along with everything else.

How can you lose weight in your tighs?

There is no way to spot reduce. When you lose weight, the weight comes from your entire body at the same time. Taking in fewer calories than you burn in energy is the only way to do this.

How do you reduce weight from thighs?

Its true that spot reduction is not possible, you will lose weight from entire body depending upon your body type and activities you are doing. The exercise such as running, jogging and other aerobic exercise are good for weight loss from thighs and lower body.

How can you lose belly and arm fat?

While you can not spot reduce your weight loss, you can tone up your arms by strength training- lifting weights and such. Do regular cardio, eat healthy, and you can lose weight everywhere.

Can you reduce fat in a body area through exercise in that area only?

No. You cannot spot reduce.

How do you lose weight in the bust?

Sorry, but you cannot "spot reduce". Fat is lost proportionally through the entire body, all at once. You can strengthen the chest muscles and that will help support the breasts better, but will probably make them a bit bigger in the process. The only way to lose size in the bust is to just lose weight in general, but breast tissue is not fat, so even losing weight might not reduce the size of your breasts.