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Statistically, the longer you use any form of tobacco product, the more likely you are to develop the cancers most common for that kind of product. That does not mean that occasional use is safe. For one thing, some people are more prone to developing cancers than others. There is much we do not know. If you are not yet addicted to nicotine, we would suggest not becoming so.

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14y ago
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8y ago

I believe it is the combination of the chemicals that causes cancer, and not just one single chemical.

Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals! More than 50 of these chemicals are known or suspected to cause cancer.

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14y ago

The consensus is smokeless tobacco can be just as harmful as smoking tobacco. It isn't fully understood how much worse or if at all. What causes the cancer from smoking is the carcinogen's. It doesn't matter if smoke comes from a burning house, campfire or a cigarette, there is always a chance of dying when you inhale it, Tobacco companies add chemicals like pesticides and other additives to make it taste different. Nicotine, which is the main ingredient in all cigarettes, produces the nicotine buzz and is highly addictive. Smoking a cigarette or two will not cause you much harm, but if you continue to smoke cigarettes the addiction begins to set in. This will continue to grow until your body become dependant on the nicotine intake. This will increase your chances of getting cancer and other diseases. Cigarettes are estimated to kill about 438,000 Americans per year. It is not good for your body to ingest the 4000 toxins in tobacco cigarettes. On the other hand Electronic Cigarettes look promising and give hope to smokers who otherwise would smoke tobacco till it killed them. If you would like to know more about electronic cigarettes and the harm tobacco does to a human being please check out my website There you can get access to try electronic cigarettes on a free trial period to help you make up your mind first hand. If you are a smoker then you will notice the difference within a few weeks! hope this has helped you in some way. god bless and happy new year, best on luck in 2010 has more information about electronic cigarettes!

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Q: Can you still get cancer from only occasionally using chewing tobacco?
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Is dipping or chewing tobacco is just dangerous as smoking it?

Yes, dipping or chewing tobacco is just as dangerous as smoking. It isn't only the smoke from the cigarette that can harm you, it is the tobacco and other chemicals in the tobacco product.

Which are not smokeless tobacco products?

Chewing tobacco is a form of smokeless tobacco. It is placed between the cheek and gums, allowing the nicotine to be absorbed through the oral mucosa. Other types of smokeless tobacco are snuff, snus, and dissolvable tobacco products. Despite being marketed as an alternative to smoking, chewing tobacco in India still pose significant health risks like oral cancer and addiction. For more information please visit The Tobacco Institute of India website now.

Does the chewing tobacco longhorn carry the fake stuff like jerky?

no your an idiot. long horn is still tobacco

How long should you wait to apply for Life insurance after quiting chewing tobacco?

Chewing tobacco underwriting varies by company. Some life insurance companies will consider you to be a tobacco user for 1 year after you quit chewing. The good news is that there are some life insurance companies that could care less about chewing tobacco and will offer you their non-tobacco life insurance rates today! In fact, you could chew tobacco at your insurance paramed exam and still qualify for non-tobacco rates.

Can smoking paper get you high?

yes, yes it can :)

Are cigarettes renewable?

Yes. Yes they are. Tobacco is farmed. The sad part is much of the tobacco in cigarettes is imported, and not grown locally. Chewing tobacco still has a its place in American agriculture. The lives that cigarettes ruin, however, are not renewable....

Is it harmful to swallow chewing tobaco?

== depends if you want to get lung cancer or tongue and gum cancer. == No. It's still bad, though. If you want nicotine without the risk of tobacco, check out Commit nicotine lozenges. The effect is very similar to chewing but there's no spit, pre-cancerous placques, and so forth.

How do you reduce nicotine in lungs?

By quitting tobacco smoking or switching to non-smoking tobacco products. Non-smoking tobacco products still can cause mouth cancer and high blood pressure; there is no safe tobacco.

Why is tobacco bad for you?

Tobacco is bad for you because, whether you smoke cigarettes, or chew tobacco, you are still putting toxic chemicals into your body that can definitely give you cancer, but also potentially kill you.

How spit tobacco is harmful for health?

It can still give you cancer, i saw a video about a man who got into the habit from baseball and he ended up getting a cancer inside his mouth. He had to get half his cheek removed, part of his tongue, and one of his lymph glands too. Don't try the stuff, it doesnt even taste good. Terrible habit.

Your boyfriend uses chewing tobacco can you still get pregnant?

YesTobacco use of any sort does not in any way affect your changes of getting pregnant

Will a good smelling cigar still hurt you?

Tobacco is tobacco, no matter what it smells like. Wonderful to smoke but still considered carcinogenic even though cancer rates are almost the same for non-smokers.